IPhone 5s has 2 hours 10 minutes usage with 53percent remaining. Good or Bad?

1. Background app refresh: messenger, what's app
2. Battery usage: youtube 20percent Facebook percent what's app 16per. Home & lock screen 12per…
3. Location services: on. Half are "while using"
4. Share my location: on, but nobody on list
5. Mail: push
6. IOS 8.3
Do I need to change some setting around here or does it seem like my phone needs to be sent out using warranty?

How to Unlock Sprint iPhone? - 1

I Factory reseted my sprint iPhone 5s but in order for it to work I need to add a SIM card to it. What can I do? If I go to sprint will they give me a SIM card?

Should I have gotten my revenge?

My cousin steals from me! She has stolen 2 iPods when I was younger and my mothers iPhone chargers. She hasn't stolen from me recently and doesn't talk to me at all. Which I don't care.

Just now, she took off somewhere and I went to the restroom, noticed that she left her phone near the sink. I was thinking of taking to get revenge back at her from stealing from me. But I thought about it and IIm not like that to steal ( I don't mean to be religious but I follow gods rules not to steal). I said no, IIm not going to have karma on my back so I took off.

Should have I taken the phone? Was I given a chance to get back at her?