Why does my iPhone only charge when it's dead?

I have an iPhone 4 and it only charges when it's completely dead. When it turns on its at 3% but then it stops charging and if I try to use it unplugged it dies really fast. Another thing is that it stays at 1% if it's plugged in and it stays on if it's plugged in. I really don't know what's going on. Is it the charger or is it the phone? I'm confused.

Is it illegal to pay for an iPhone UDID registration under someone else's Developer Account?

Where I work, apparently it's against the workplace policy to have a beta version of iOS installed on a personal device. I had installed iOS 9 on my phone, and somehow my managers found out. They asked how I got it, and according to them, they say that me paying to register my UDID is illegal. All I found online is a note that states that it's only illegal to sell/distribute the UDID registration/software. Is me paying for UDID registration illegal?

Pre-release software is Apple Confidential Information. Unauthorized distribution of pre-release software or disclosure of information relating to pre-release software (including the distribution of screen shots) May result in immediate termination of your membership Apple Developer Program, and May Subject You to civil and criminal liability

How to move forward from this loss?

I was in a works premiere production with a prestigious ballet company. I was so excited to be a part of it. I'd had a rough year, but it didn't matter anymore because of this opportunity.

I walked to Sephora to pick up my makeup palette, as all dancers do their own makeup. I used to share because I couldn't afford my own. Now I could!

I took out my iPhone to see if I looked presentable before going into the theater, and I'd never seen myself so gorgeous. I just wanted to hold onto that moment! So I snapped a picture and was delighted with joy!

Well, something happened with my phone and the photo got deleted. I'm so sad. I never look good like that because I'm ways running around somewhere. Now it's gone forever. I feel so down, as if the height of my joy in that process was taken away from me. I worked do hard to make it that far, including dealing with parents who made fun of my dream, injuries, and more. O How do I make peace with this?

Are screen protectors worth it?

I recently got an iPhone 6 plus. It was very expensive but I'm debating if I should get a screen protector or not. If I do I'm getting tempered glass but it's so hard to get off. I like the feeling of the phone without the protector but I phones are fragile and if I dropped it then I would be screwed. What do you think I should do? But it or no? I already have a case on it it's just the front that is "naked"

How to move on from this loss?

Please no mean comments

Some time ago, I was selected to take part in a world premiere production of a prestigious ballet company. I was so excited, I could taste the opportunity. I had overcome injuries and fears and this was to me, my moment to soak in the fruit of my efforts.

Most of the dancers do all of our makeup ourselves, and in the last ballet I was in, I shared makeup with others because I was just out of school and couldn't afford my own!

This time, was going to be different. So on my way to the theater, I stopped at Sephora and bought my own makeup palette. I just felt happy and relaxed. On my way out of the store, I pulled out my iPhone to see if I still looked presentable after walking to Sephora from my home- it was very windy that day. I couldn't believe just how happy I looked. Is never seen myself so gorgeous! I'm always running around and on the go, looking stressed and whatnot. I took a photo, and, well, my phone deleted it by accident and even after taking it to the apple store, they couldn't get it back.

My parents laughed at my dream, and I still made it. All I wanted was this photo for myself to remind me of how beautiful I could be when I was happy and in the zone of my passion. And now it's gone forever. I just really wanted it. I was wearing the makeup from the previous nights performance, and it was perfect. A beautiful hand me down cost from a dear friend, and my favorite scarf. It was my whole dream wrapped into that image. I'm so sad.

How long does a package take to clear us customs?

I'm in kentucky and i'm waiting a package from Scotland.According to usps site it is in customs since june 2nd. Now on th 11th my package hasn't already cleared customs.Did someone experience this wait and if yes how long does it take to pass thorugh customs?

my friend sent me his old iphone 5 as a late b-day present.

How to block numbers not in contacts?

I don't know y but a lot of random people from all over the country have been calling me lately. And I never answer #s i don't know. Usually they just call once, sometimes 2 or 3
times but the calls r from many #s. And this happens once or twice a week.

and the prob is I carry my phone in my backpack and bring my backpack 2 class. And even tho the ringer is off and do not disturb is on, it still vibrates over and over. And it has happened in class twice. 2day was the 1st time the teacher noticed and said something. Luckily she didn't know it was me or at least didn't day anything. Not bringing my phone is not an option.

so anyways i don't know if it's even possible but can you block #s not in your contacts? If yes, how? If not, how do you block specific #s? Thts better than nothing. And I hav an iPhone btw.

Why is snapchat draining my iPhone battery?

I have an iPhone 5c and the batter drains like crazy. It lasts only 2 hours at the most if I'm lucky. I looked at my battery usage and snapchat takes up 60% of my battery usage. Is there a way I can lower that? It also takes up a lot of space. Why?

Can't receive calls on iPhone 5s?

What happened was my friend was calling me and when I found out that she did call me it didn't leave any notification, no missed calls. When I called her it worked fine but when she started calling me it said 'the person your trying to reach is currently unavailable' and when straight onto voicemail that I sent, when I didn't even put it on voicemail?! I've tried everything, turning off 'do not disturb' and also the 'airplane mode trick', nothing seems to work.