My iPhone screen has compleatly come off and smashed into two, my brother says he will go and get it fixed for me without my parents knowing but in one weeks time. My parents keep texting me and ringing me and I can't keep it a secret for a week at this rate. What can I do?! I Can't TELL THEM, but are there any other solutions?

How to jailbreak my iPhone 4? 7.1.2?

It used to be so simple on jailbreakme but now it doesn't work apparently, and I would like to jailbreak my iPhone, so what's the best way to do it? And do you have to do it through your computer now, or can you just do it on the actual phone in question?

Water damage in my iPhone 5c charging port. What to do?

Long story short. A few months ago I had a Lifeproof case on my iphone 5c and I took it into the ocean (Lifeproof WEBSITE said that it would be okay) and I knew something had happened. Right after I brought it out of the ocean, I got a message on my screen that said "this charging device is not supported by apple" I was instantly worried. Turns out, my phone no longer charged. I knew a little bit of water had gotten into the charging port, but the rest of the iphone worked perfectly fine. I tried cleaning it out with various items. I finally got it to charge, but it took a lot of effort. I had to sit in front of the charger taking it in and out in and out for 20 minutes. And I now have to do this everynight. I also took it to the Apple Store and they said it was water damage and that I had to replace it, which I obviously haven't done! I still have the phone and just have to spend a lot of time trying to get it to charge everyday. Two questions… What is causing this and is there ANY way to fix it? I would do ANYTHING!

USB/Audio Jack isn't working on my laptop?

I think it's when I was carrying it the other day up to my room and my family member opened the door, it caught the side of the laptop bashing it… The USB port for my mouse doesn't work right and the audio socket only plays out of one earphone. It's not the earphones because I tried them on my iphone/ipod.

So it's what happened. What can I do about this?

Is it dangerous to use an iphone with water in it?

I got some water in my iphone 5s a few days ago and its still not out, i have it in a bag of rice right now. I turned it on to check if the water is out or not and my phone worked perfectly fine, no errors at all aside from there being water in it. Is it okay to use right now or is it too risky?

I'm litterally freaking out still?

I smashed my screen on my iphone 6 onto a wooden headboard on my bed the screen is broken my parents are coming home at 5 and i'm crying right now i need help i'm 11

How much to fix an iPhone 5c?

The screen is broken and i can't see anything on my phone its pitch black but it rings and everything. I already made an appointment with apple but i just wanna know.

Edit yourself into a picture?

Are there any applications that are free and allow you to easily edit yourself into a photo and makes it look real? I have a mac btw, so most iPhone apps aren't available.

What is the meaning of activating iphone?

I have a unlocked completely owned iphone 4s and two different sims which i own both work on this.

But, i don't know what is the meaning of activating your iphone. Once my phone is working with my sim then its activated? Or what?

What is find my phone thing, how do i secure my phone. Please guide as much as possible.