What to buy with 200 dollars?

I'm going into high school and I have saved up $200. I really want to spend it. It keeps burning a whole in my pocket! I have an iPhone, an IPad, and a MacBook Pro. Please note I'm mainly looking for tech products. I'm not into Star Wars or anything like that, and I do not want to buy expensive headphones. Please help.

Added (1). I'm a guy

Added (2). I also have an Apple watch

Does leaving a group chat send others a notification?

I want to leave a group chat on my iPhone but I'm not sure if the other people in the chat will be able to tell that I've left it. The chat has been inactive for a little while and I'd like to leave it, so will the others get a notification saying that I have left the group iMessage?

Do you memorize a workout routine before you go to the gym?

I'm looking to start going to the gym on my own but I'm just wondering how people keep track of what they're doing. Do you take your phone or some paper with you with all your exercises laid out so you can remember to get through each? Do you choose exercises on the fly? Do you memorize your routine beforehand?

I don't have my phone on me when I work out (it's an iPhone 6 plus so it's a little too big to carry around and there's no gym band for it) and carrying paper around with me will get bothersome quickly while moving from machines or workout spaces - not to mention my water bottle has ice so it'll likely wind up wet.

So far all I'm coming up with that will work for my situation is writing it on my hand or something.

How to make my photos look better?

The question was little vague but what I meant was is there anyway I can clear up certain photos to make them less blurry? I have an iPhone and my pc is currently being repaired but I want to clear up some photos taken with a bad camera

Is 16gb for the iPhone 6 enough?

I'm debating whether to get the 16 gb version or the 64 gb. Money is a little tight but I can manage to get the 64 gb. I take quite a bit of pictures but I don't use many apps or play games. So, is the 16 gb enough?

I factory reset my iPhone 4 and I can't FaceTime or iMessage anybody?

I reset my phone a couple of weeks ago and I was only messaging two people. After resetting my phone, I tried messaging and FaceTiming those same people and it won't work. I started messaging different people and it works fine, but I still can't message those two people? How can I fix this?

Can I set up an iPhone 6 with an O2 SIM card in even if it's locked to EE?

I have recently purchased the iPhone 6 and I accidently placed an EE SIM card in before I set my phone up. Now it is locked to EE but I have an O2 SIM card in (it detects signal and 4G) but says it doesn't support the SIM that's in the phone. Is there a way round this? It is running the latest iOS.

Howe long until apps will stop being supported for iOS 7?

I'm buying myself an iPhone 4S 16GB For my birthday from a 2nd hand store.
I'm not planning on upgrading to iOS 8, Mainly because I have heard that it does not work very well on iPhone 4S.

If I want to stay with iOS 7, How long will it be until everything needs iOS 8.0 or higher to be able to work?

My main apps are facebook, tumblr, snapchat, kik, instagram, etc.
I don't really use my phones for games, mainly social networking and music for when I'm out.