How comes the effective iPhone crash message doesn't always work?

So me and my friends have been annoying eachother by sending that effective power message that turns people who have iPhones phones off and on. I read somewhere that for it to work the iPhone has to be updated to ios 8 but still sometimes when i send the message it doesn't work. I copy and paste it just the same but sometimes when i send it it doesn't work. This person keeps sending it to me and when i send it back it doesn't work. I know that the person has an iPhone and has ios 8 but i don't understand why it doesn't work.

Iphone 5s will be on discount?

Hi, I want to ask if the iPhone 5s will be on discount this coming September 2015 if the newest iPhone launch? I'm planning to by an iPhone 5s.
It is posible that they will lower the price?
How much do you this will be the price?

How to output my iPhone screen onto my laptop?

So I've heard you can get a HDMI output cable from apple which isn't cheap at £40 approx which can connect to any HDMI enabled input such as my TV or Laptop. I was wondering whether I should get this or use any other way (preferably free) to display my iPhone display on a bigger screen. I want it to use my entire laptop screen.
The reason I want to do this is because I want to watch films from an app I have on my phone but on a bigger screen (HD) and also using the full potential of the outputted screen. How can I do this and what is the best way?

What are these little red bumps on my skin?

I'm currently 17 and for as long as I can remember I've always had this tiny little red bumps all over the top of my arms. They don't cause any discomfort, it's just unpleasing to look at everyday. My family always told me it's probably just dry skin (though my skin feels tight when it's dry so I know it's not that) but even with using lotion daily is never went away? There's 2 pictures here: What are these little red bumps on my skin What are these little red bumps on my skin - 1 of my arms. (Best I could get with the awkward angle and trying to focus my iPhone) Can someone tell me what that is?

Jailbroken iPhone 5 iOS 8.3 Barclays App Issue?

I have a previously jailbroken mobile phone. Chris removed. Resets all factory settings. Reset all network settings.

However, I still get the mobile pop up message stating the Barclays app will not support jailbroken devices? Any ideas how I can fully clear my device of traces of the jailbreak without full restore? (My Mac is too full to back up my phone with no more room to delete so full reset and wipe is not ideal)

I have googled many times but can't really see an answer that works.