IPhone 6 making calls on its own?
Added (1). I have an iPhone 6, with Siri unactivated. Last night, I was watching a film with my mum with my phone face down and locked on the table. Her phone rang & she asked me why I was FaceTiming her. I picked my phone up and checked it to see the lock screen come up as normal, with no indication of a call taking place. My mum declined the call & I unlocked my phone to check my call-history, there was no log of the call there.
Added (2). This same thing happened a few months ago, when a friend text me asking why I tried to call her in the middle of the night. I had no log of the call in my call history and there was no possible way it could've happened from pocket-dialling seeing as I was sleeping.
I saw a solution on google saying to wipe my phone, but I just recently had to delete all data from my phone when getting a repair job done by Apple.
Added (3). I don't know if this is at all related, but a month ago I received 500 likes on instagram on one photograph, all the likes were from fake accounts, so I changed my password, but shortly after the FaceTime issue last night, I received 2 fake-account followers.
My phone also once (about a year ago now) went live on instagram whilst in my pocket and, again, it was locked. I had no clue it was on live until I got notifications of comments on my live video.
Added (4). Can anyone help me in finding out what's going on? Any help would be appreciated! And sorry for the long read (I had to make this question via updates seeing as a "sorry, we couldn't post your question" thing kept stopping it from uploading!)