IPhone erase all content and settings?

I wanted to erase all content and settings on my phone, and then set it up as if it were a new iPhone. I've done this before in the past and never had a problem, but tonight when I did it, it restored absolutely everything EXCEPT my messages and apps.

Can anyone help me out? I've never had this issue before.

If I put my phone sim in a 4G compatible tablet, will it work?

I have an iPhone Xr, and am looking at getting a tablet to use on occasion with 4G. I will never use them at the same time, so I don't want to pay for two plans if I can just pop my sim from the phone into the tablet. The locked carrier for the tablet and phone would be the same. Hotspoting from my phone to the tablet isn't an option.

My sister was blocking the bathroom door and having a tantrum when I was on a family vacation. Was I right to grab her shoulders?

I lost it with her and grabbed her shoulders and said will you cut it out and grow the hell up. I called her a bad word as well. We were like two little kids arguing over a toy. I'm never going to go on a vacation that she's on again and she said she's never speaking to me again which is fine with me.

Is it OK to grab someone by the shoulders since it's not going to injure them or was this assault? She's insane ( not literally) so she claimed I was choking her which of course was not at all the case. Those on the vacations that I was fine not to feel guilty but I kind of felt bad that I grabbed her by the shoulders. The aunt did smile and say "ooh, if it was your brother it would be OK but I wouldn't do it to a lady". Certainly I would never put my hands on a woman in terms of injuring a woman at all.

Excuse any grammar errors I'm talking into my iPhone.

My airpods won't connect to my iPhone but will connect to everything else

I bought them from Apple and also my iPhone is from Apple (it's the 6 so it is about 4 years old). The thing is that my airpods connect to everything else. From one of the first iPad mini's to my macbook to an old iPhone 5S I have around my apartment to all of my parents and sisters Apple products, these airpods work fine. Then, the minute I attempt to connect it to my iPhone, they just don't work or if they do, they work for a couple of seconds and then stops.

Lost WhatsApp contacts?

I broke my iPhone and bought a new Samsung phone, I lost some of my WhatsApp contacts because I hadn't saved their numbers to my sim and I hadn't backed up my chats on WhatsApp (stupid I know) can these missing contacts still message me as my number is saved in their phone or do I need to have them added to exchange messages?