How do I address the issue of my roommates obnoxious alarms?
So yesterday and today (the weekend), my roommate has set alarms that would go off about every 15 minutes for about 2 hours. She had to be up for work at 7am today, and her alarms started going off at 6am. Her alarms alternate between this super loud and obnoxious desk alarm, and her iPhone. She did the same thing yesterday, except it started at 7:45ish am. We have a third roommate in a separate bedroom next to ours who wasn't here this weekend and our walls are thin. Her desk alarm is so loud that I know it would have woken up our third roommate.
She just started working and I know with her depression she sleeps a lot and has a hard time getting up. I feel bad because I stormed away this morning and took my blankets and stuff to the couch because I was furious. But now that I've gottne to finish sleeping, I feel bad. But I still want to address the alarms. Advice? Am I being too harsh?