What has happened to my camera?

When exposed to bright tech in darker places streaks of light appear on my camera especially after I wipe off the camera does anyone know what this is. (I have an iPhone 8) What has happened to my camera

What happened to the sound in my new iPhone 8 plus?

I have a new iPhone 8 Plus that is less than 6 months old. It will not ring when a call comes in, it only vibrates. I have a game I downloaded called "Toon blast" will does not have any audio when playing unless I have an aux cord plugged in the phone and the other end into a car radio. It use to work fine and then one night it just started acting weird. I've checked the settings and everything to make sure I didn't mute anything. I also did the software update thinking that would fix it. Nope, it didn't

Why is my iPhone doing this? - 3

My iPhone 5 is brightly lit on the upper right hand corner of the screen and dingy lit all around the screen. The lower right hand corner of the screen has a darker tone of light to it than the left screen.

Is moisture on the s9 a huge issue?

I currently have a s7. My phone has been acting up due to the moisture issue. I have been thinking about getting an iphone so I won't have to deal with this any further, but I adore the s9. Does the s9 have the same moisture has been detected issue and I should just get the iphone?