Are iPads carrier locked like iPhones are?

I have an iPad mini 2 that used to have verizon service but the sim has been removed and now I only use it on Wi-Fi. So can it be used with any network SIM card? Or is it carrier specific like iPhones are?

Should I buy a new iPhone or wait?

I'm not a big spender, but my iPhone 7's touch screen has stopped responding. Took it to a mall and they'd fix for $50 but honestly no guarantees. Should I get the iPhone 8 or wait for the next phone. I know they follow a cycle for releasing them and I don't want to buy a new one for $749 and the next day they release something better for $70 more. Appreciate it guys!

Why does my IPad disconnect from my iPhone hotspot after brief inactivity?

Both devices are on the newest iOS. I use the hotspot from my iPhone to access internet on my iPad but if I put the iPad down for a minute or two, it will lose connection and I have to turn the personal hotspot off on the iPhone and then back on again. Is it supposed to be like this? Pretty please help me.

Fortnite mobile storage

On fortnite mobile, it says i have to have at least 2 GB of space. But i'm pretty sure i do because when i go onto my iphone storage, it says that i have 8.9 out of 16 GB. Does anyone know how to fix this?

(DEBATE) Should the minimum drinking age be lowered to 18 in the United States?

I'm arguing 'yes' for plenty of reasons. I happen to read the drunk driving rates and here's what I've seen.

In the 21st century:
UNITED STATES (Drinking age set at 21)
- In 2000: We had a total of 57,280 people who died from Drunk Driving. The age where most drivers went home drunk was the 25-34 age group, the 16-20 was in fourth place. That does not mean we should keep the drinking age at 21 because this is not flexible, how can it not be okay for an 18 year old to come home driving but okay for a 25 year old to come home driving?

In 2009: Thanks Uber and the invention of iPhones, we saw a massive decrease in drunk driving. There were a total of 45,230 deaths with the 25-34 age group still in first place! Yet they are allowed to drink but not 18-20 year olds?

In the UK (Drinking age set to 18):
- In 2000: The UK had a total of 18,060 deaths. Can you believe that the UK has far LESS drunk drivers than the US?

- In 2009: They had a total of 12,030 deaths.

You now see why the UK has less deaths, because of it's drinking age!

In the US with a high age restriction that makes no sense whatsoever, 18-20 year olds would binge drink because they want to enjoy the moment drinking lots and lots of beers while they're at it.

In the UK, teens between 18 and 20 years of age do not binge drink, because they know they can always buy beer whenever they want. Despite a lower drinking age, they have less drunk drivers!

Open your eyes America!

Why is my iPhone 6 charging backwards?

I've had this thing for almost two years. Its on the current IOS update. Its also "locked" because my parents couldnt afford the bill after 3 months and now i just use it on Wi-Fi. This week, i noticed it wascharging backwards. I looked up a fix and did a hard reset, as per recommended. Still, it has happened once every day this week and i'm getting concerned. I have to reset the phone each time this happens and it goes back to charging normally but i'm still concerned. Its probably the phone reaching the end of its reign, right? Just give me a clear answer, please.

Do iphones actually slow your brain?

I may be a loner with nothing to do but I keep feeling like the more i stare at my iphone screen, I feel it hacks my brain as it may cause nightmares&damaging my brain cells.
I sometimes forget to remember things&I have very sore eyes after. Even it feels like rock candy popping in my head.
Though i usually meditate outside to just heal it off.