Can i connect my iphone to my tv with only a usb cable?

I have an iphone 5s and I wanted to connect it to my tv to watch hulu with my mom. I have a usb cable which connects the phone to the tv, but it doesn't do anything. They said online to get a digital av adapter, but i don't understand it at all and was wondering if i can use the usb and if i'm just doing something wrong. Ty.

Can I still use my old iphone after i upgrade?

So I upgraded my iphone 4 to an iphone 6 a while ago and now my son wants to use that for when he goes to track meets as he does not have a phone and needs to contact me when the meet is over. Thing is, i'm not sure what will happen if I do. They re connected to the same apple ID so when I turn on my old one I know the new one doesn't get notifications until I turn it off again but will I have to pay more for the cell phone bill? Will messages even work? What will happen

Are teenagers (Gen Z) today the worst generation ever?

They're more "conservative", having never experienced life before 9/11, and believing it's normal for the 1 percent to own 99 percent of the worlds wealth. They accept the table scraps given to them by Bush and Trump. They're insensitive to the plight of millennials, the generation before them. Having never lived in a decade where music was good, Drake and Nicki Minaj are their musical idols. They follow "Internet celebrities" and "vloggers" as opposed to established, genuine Hollywood icons. They would forget how to breathe and die if god forbid they lost their iphone. All forms of physical contact are sexual assault, and they believe there are 76 genders.

What's wrong with the kids these days?!