Iphone xs buggy camera?

I bought an iphone Xs and the front camera seems a little blurry and if i take it closer to my face it can't focus at all. Is this a bug or a camera problem?

Recommend a good camera for under £160, for taking pictures of family on day trips, one where the image comes up correct?

I have taken photos on my iPhone and my fujifilm and they both pretty much suck, I've yet to take a bunch of decent pictures, where people look like themselves and where the colour is what we see with the naked eye.

IPhone yeah you can take cute selfies, and shots of animals look good, my Fuji pretty much only looks good for scenery not for people. Mainly cus the image of people are always dark or off

Wanting to take some nice quick pics without fussing about what we look like, and without the images not looking good and have to be edited, cus I don't really agree with editing

My earphones don't work on my iPhone 7+?

I know the problem isn't the earphones because they work fine on other devices and I know it is the charger port because I can't still charge my phone. Maybe its a hardware problem? How do I fix this

IPhone XR has this problem?

Doesn't anyone else's iPhone or iPhone XR have sound issues? Sometimes my XR will have no volume unless I turn it off and back on. Is this a software issues? Or a bug of some sort?

How long would it take for alcohol to damage iPhone?

I have always cleaned my phone with alcohol and a paper towel, but today I decided I needed to take the case off to properly clean the bottom, where I believe the sound comes out of, since it looked like dirt or other particles were all around it. I put a few squirts of alcohol on a paper towel and wiped my screen and then the bottom. I didn't realize you were not supposed to clean an iPhone with alcohol and I'm nervous that maybe some of the liquid could have gotten in through the charging port and the holes on the bottom. I have my phone of a clean paper towel with the bottom on it, just in case some got in there. How long would it be noticeable that there was damage on my phone? Also, is it unsafe to charge my phone if possible alcohol got in the charging port? Thank you.

Added (1). There's no visible damage on the screen currently and it has been a few minutes, but would it take longer?

Can you get already purchased music onto iTunes?

Most of the music I own is on physical albums (cd's). Some of that music I really enjoy and would like it on all my devices. Is there a way to get those songs on iTunes or more importantly my iPhone without having to buy them all over again? I'd like to listen to them more on my iPhone, is that possible?

Twinkleberry thinks Tarrifs are taxes we pay?

But only if we buy Chinese products. Does she not know there are other options besides her child slave labor assemble iPhone?

Added (1). *interested in seeing if she dares answers my questions since she blocks me