Non -iPhone's with excellent cameras?

I recently switched from an iPhone 6 to Sony Xperia L1, but I do not enjoy the camera quality of the latter at all. The former was shoddy too. I'm looking to buy a sim free model upfront.

I do not listen to audio files on my phone or play games, I just use it for Wi-Fi, pics and social apps etc.

Any recommendations barr Apple phones?

Dropped iPhone X in toilet. Is it okay?

So. I was going to the bathroom and it slipped out of my back pocket and landed in the toilet. I turned around quickly and only the bottom half was in water. I took it out quickly and gently banged my hand against it and a little water came out. I've let it sit for a about an hour. I didn't see a red indicator and I know is water resistant. No co sensation or bubbly camera. Audio is fine. Is it possible there's no damage?

Problema con iPhone 6s?

Ciao ragazzi e da diversi giorni che intento ad attivare le notifiche di instragam ma non ci riesco! Su instagram sulle notifiche push tutto attivi vado sulle impostazione del iPhone per attivare le notifiche ma per Instagram non ho la barra dove mi dice di attivarle com è possibile? 10 punti a chi mi aiuta!

Need Help With IPhone 6?

Today, I bought an IPhone 6 from a friend of mine. It did not have a SIM card and when I try to start it up it needs a SIM card. I tried almost every method such as logging in through ITunes and it still requires it. When I put my friends SIM card, it texted people from his phone number. I do not know how SIM cards work or where to buy them if I even can. Should I ask for my money back and save up for an IPod or something? Or is there a way to get a SIM card or just activate the phone without it. ( I don't think I can, I think the phone is locked). What do I do?

Would you use these earbuds?

I just lost my earbuds for iphone 7, and i found the exact same model earbuds on the floor at school. If I clean them extremely well, are they safe to use? I don't want to have to buy another pair if I could potentially use these.