Was I blocked on iphone? Details below?

I looked it up online, and it specifies for version 9 or later a blocked text will still show blue and say delivered, but the receiver will never actually get the message. But when I send messages they are turning green and saying sent as text instead. I've also tried calling a couple times and it rings 1 to 1-1/2 times before saying wireless customer you are calling is not available (which it always says instead of voicemail normally for his phone anyways)

I just find it odd because he tried facetiming me the other day and I missed it but when I tried calling and then texting back about a half hour later is when all of this started. Is it possible I was blocked?

Iphone 6 problems. Can you

Basically the phone is cracked and now it's having problems. It randomly freezes sometimes while I'm going through apps even stock apps. Also when i press something it'll click on other stuff. Sometimes it does one or the other or both. I really hope that it's just because of the screen is cracked. No gray bar at the top of the screen when the phone is being unresponsive.

My phone lets me call, but not text?

I can call with my iPhone, but not text. When i go to settings > iMessages > Send & Receive, under "YOU CAN BE REACHED BY IMESSAGE AT" it says my number in grey letters, so it is not enabled. I got my SIM card from a seven eleven:/ ?

Online serial number checker for iPhone says my iPhone 7 was made in 1985?

I had traded an iPhone with someone using an app called "OfferUp." I checked the IMEI and everything to make sure it was clean(not stolen or iPhone locked), which it was. We traded and everything was fine. I tried updating my phone to iOS 11, and now my phone says "There's a problem with your iPhone. This phone can't be activated for service. Please contact your carrier or AppleCare." I went to Apple and they said the phone was reported stolen?!
I checked the serial number and it says the phone was purchased on JANUARY 1, 1985… The phone is 33 years old? But its the iPhone 7… Was the phone actually stolen? I'm so lost.
The phone was working fine when I had traded with the person.

MY iPhone speakers are muffled?

I had my phone in my backpack and I had chocolate milk that spilled everywhere and the phone now speakers are muffled and distorted and my anker battery and AirPods are broken. How do I fix the phone speakers it happened days ago