Is it possible to set up an Iphone so that you can only do specific things on it?

I have an Iphone 7. It would really help me if I could lock out many of the features on my phone so that I'm only left with a few applications. If this means I have to jail-break it, that's fine. What ever it takes I'm willing to do. To be more specific, I basically want tot set it up so that the only things available on my phone are calling, texting, gps, and a few select apps. And that's it. Like I literally do not even want the possibility of being able to surf the web or download other apps or any of that. I just want to unlock my phone, and have the few things i listed above available to use. Is there any possible way of doing this?

My iphone 7plus won't charge? I can't tell if it is phone for the reason why it won't charge or the phone chargers i have are bad?

I have an iphone 7 plus. It was all fine until battery went dead on me and went to grab my charger to charge it. Doesn't work. I tried two other ones I have doesn't even recognize them. It acts like nothing is connected showing the cable with lightning bolt. If it was charging it would just show battery symbol. I tried connecting to the computer and still nothing. I'm hoping it isn't the phone and just the usb cables are bad? I've even tried a hard reset, but no that doens't work either it is too dead to do anything. It is acting as if any cable I have it won't pick it up. Could it be a compatibility issue? It said iphone 7 on the box chargers came in so I thought that would me compatible. I'm losing my mind having no phone for work! Hoping someone can help.

My MacBook Air won't send messages to non-iphones?

Yes, my iCloud is on both Mac and iPhone messaging & they're the same one. My MacBook air used to let me message non-iphones, but a couple months ago it stopped letting me. It's become an issues, what do I do?