Why won't my flashlight & back camera work on iphone?

My front camera works fine but when i try to flip the camera it won't do anything or it's just a black screen. When i try to use my flashlight it says that it's on but it won't work. I did drop my phone hours before it started doing this, i don't know if that's what caused it or if it's something else. & i've already reset my phone twice & that didn't fix anything. I don't know what to do, please help.

Should I let this bother me?

I'm a little creeped out.
So I'm 27 and my grandma is 72. We're very close and tonight I went to her house at 6 P.M.
We left at 6:30 to go get some Taco Bell, and she said when we got back we would heat up some cookies as desert.
We got there at like 6:45 and we started eating and talking (we sat down inside)
At around 7 P.M. We started joking about how we could call her cat at home and ask her to heat the cookies up for us so they were ready when we got home. Her cat's name is Candy.
As a joke, I used her IPhone to call the home phone and left a message saying something along the lines of
"Hey Candy, can you heat up some cookies for us? Thanks Candy!" And we laughed about it.
We left and we got to her house at around 7:40. We got home a little late cause we stopped for gas.
When we got home, we smelled cookies and we saw a baking tray at the stove. We looked and we saw eight freshly made cookies.
We checked the messages and my message was not there. We called anyone we thought could have been there and no one said they were there.
We don't want to eat the cookies and right now were watching TV.
What should I do this is super creepy?

What's a good heart rate variability product?

I started using the Elite HRV app for iPhone and the chest strap heart rate monitor that is made by Polar. What's your experience with HRV biofeedback and do you have any insight you can offer me about products that work especially well and tips on training?

Why won't Airdrop work for me?

I can send a photo on airdrop to everyone else (including contancts), and I've tried both options. Yet, I still can't sent it to this person who's family and they can't get mine because they don't show up on Airdrop. We tried almost everything, and it's weird because I sent airdrop photos to everyone on my bus, and then at home, I can't airdrop anyone inside my house even if they're a few inches away from me. My phone won't pick up theirs but their phone can pick up my phone, so they can only send airdrop to me. All the options are adjusted and everything's right.
… Just I can't send airdrop to this family member. They have iPhone! They have iOS 11, too, just like me. I have the iPhone and iOS 11. However, what is wrong with my airdrop?

Iphone dying in the cold?

Is there anything i can do to stop this? I want to take pictures in snowy areas in the cold but my iphone just dies right away. Should i change the battery? Anything i can do? It's 2 years old and it's a 5s.

How to get into a phone that has Find my iPhone activated but no sim card? Or contact the owner of this lost phone?

I found this phone on the sidewalk today and I have been trying to find out who it belongs to. I thought that if I went to get the sim card, I could contact their provider (like ATT, Versizon, etc) and ask them to return the phone. But there isn't even a sim card on the phone. It also has this Find My iPhone thing, so it feels like there's nothing I can do. Any suggestions on how I could get it back to the owner?

Rear speakers in Hyundia Santa Fe won't work?

The rear speakers in our Santa Fe won't work when using the usb and aux cord for my iPhone. It only happens with my iPhone and anyone who plugs in with an iPhone. However all the speakers work with my friends Samsung. Is this a problem with Apple or the car itself? Any suggestions?