Ghost iMessage or common bug?

My mom wrote good night to me at about 9 PM yesterday. Then, at 12.03 AM I received another text from her that only says "Äu".

I texted her in the morning asking about it, but she says she did not write it and neither my dad as they both were asleep. Her phone was not in her bedroom, she leaves it in the hallway downstairs and she sleeps on the 2nd floor.

She has an iPhone and it was sent as an iMessage. Is it a common bug or full on ghost? Has anything similar happened to anyone?

How can I improve to become a professional photographer?

It's my dream! It's the only thing I can do that actually impacts my clinical depression positively.

First off, I use an iPhone 5s. I don't feel comfortable/do too well with cameras. I take much better pictures with my iPhone.

I mean, should I at least buy an upgrade iPhone? + tips.

Step daughter forces me to buy her things?

Every time I take her shopping while her Dad isn't there she tells me what she wants and if I say no she starts crying. She says (or screams) "I won't like you if you don't buy it" or "I'll tell him you're being mean to me" "I'll even tell my mom" I'm scared to enter stores with her, but sometimes you have to. What do I do? I don't want to cause conflict. Her mother is away for a month so we've been spending lots of time together for the first time.

This is stressing me out I had a dream last night that I refused to buy her a $1000 iPhone and she ran over to her dad (my fiance) and he got mad at me and cancelled the wedding!

Added (1). Her dad doesn't know how bad it is I'm scared to get into it because then she'll get upset.

IPhone won't charge? - 1

My phone ran out of charge, so i put it on the charger about an hour ago. When I hit the home button, the symbol that means the phone is charging comes up. However, that has been going on ever since I charged it. How can I fix this problem?

Iphone will not play music through Bluetooth anymore?

My Iphone stopped playing music through my Bluetooth device. It says its connected, but does not show up in the audio output and the music will still come out of the phone. I have tired to disconnect the device, but it won't. And then when i forget the device and restart my phone it still shows up in devices. When it does disconnect and i re-pair it, it acts like a car and asks me if i want to include contacts. I've tired a lot of things to fix it, but nothing seems to work. Any Ideas? Thanks.

P.S. The phone is all up to date on updates

What to get my sister for her 18th birthday?

So my sister is turning 18 on the 15th of February, all i could really think of was makeup but my mum already got her literally everything (don't know a lot about makeup anyway:3)… She has an iPhone but already has a lot of case's, she says she has too much clothes and shoes already. I was thinking of getting her an necklace, earrings or charm bracelet but i don't know if she'd like it xP We don't usually do the siblings gift thing so this would be the first year~ Any ideas?

I got too much money what can i buy?

I already have Mercedes cla 250 car.

i was thinking to buy a mansion should i? Currently live in an apartment.

what else can i waste my money on?

i already have a 4k tv, iphone 8 plus, macbook, a movie collection, a few games and consoles.

i'm out of ideas what else should i buy?

Added (1). i have already invested lots of the money in stocks and 40lk.

Months ago I grew my iPhone and the screen dimmed and then went black, now phone won't turn on?

One day my phone got water in the cracked screen when I was washing my hands and it started making me click things on my phone that I wasn't clicking and I go to mad(I have anger issues I know) and I threw my phone. When my phone landed, I saw the screen dimmed and then went black, ever since, it won't turn on. I haven't brought it to my phone company but still paying the bill. I only have $169 left to pay off the phone so it's not bad. But I've been months without a phone because I can't get a new one without paying off this one.
I'm just wondering why it's not turning on? Did throwing it mess up the wiring inside? Did the water damage it, or me throwing it and the water?

Added (1). I'm sitting here with it now. First time I took it out ina while and I'm trying to find a way to turn it on. Not having luck, which I don't mind haha I'm just wondering what could be the problem inside and is there any chance it could turn back on? Don't care if there isn't because I'll get a new phone soon, but just wondering