Accidently opened spam mail with attachment on iPhone mail?

I accidentally opened spam email that had an attachment on my iPhone I didn't click on anything I just opened the email itself and now I'm worried that I have a virus on my phone or something what should I do?

Added (1). i deleted the spam mail after I opened it

How to be a music producer and make music?

How to be a hip hop /pop music producer with acoustic guitar and iPhone 7 and Mac mini pc I'm wanting to make music but just for a hobby to post on Instagram and sound cloud

How can I re connect my Apple Watch to my iPhone?

So yesterday, I had forgotten my new password to my phone, it became disabled and I had restore it through iTunes and iCloud. Total pain in the a**. So I got my phone back, but a lot of things were missing and out dated and my watch wasn't connected to my phone. The last backup was Sep 2016 and I got my watch in Sep 2017. The activity app connected to my watch isn't there. My watch still tracks activity and is connected to my iCloud as I just got it to play a sound using find my iPhone. Now i just have a watch that's not connected to my phone, but still recording stuff and I just do not know how to repair it. I went to the watch app on the phone, but it just shows pair watch, but I can't.

Looking for an iPhone city builder game that is not pay to win?

So I'm looking for a city builder for iPhone. There are a few features I want.

-Free or less than $5
-Not a big focus on in app purchases to "speed up build time."
-Maybe not a build time for buildings.
-3D or a side 3D view like Realm Grinder
-You can choose where to place buildings.

On iPhones, is the time ever displayed on the left hand side on the top?

Guys please help me out here

. My boyfriends delusional ex girlfriend always makes these fake iMessages and accts on fb to break us up. Her latest attempt was a series of screen shots from fb messenger followed with screenshots from her "phone" to show he's "cheating" on me. But in the iPhone screenshot, the time is shown in the left hand corner (not the middle), the service she's on is on the right hand corner (has the service bars and then LTE) and then the battery is on the right as well.

So my question is, iPhones are not set up like this right? The time is always displayed in the top middle, and the service always at the top left?

Every single screenshot she sent me is flawed with mistakes so I know they are fake. She made an accts under a girl name Novia or something and then sent me screenshots and a message that says "tell your boyfriend to stop messaging me."(keyword me) Well in the screen shots my "boyfriend" says her name in one of the texts and "he" says Veronica. So hmm. First flag. Anyways. Guys any help As soon as possible would be great and I'm going to send her screenshots of her fake *** screenshots of where she messed up her lie lol

Pay for it or turn it over! Is this wrong?

Back in Sept of 2017 both me and my wife upgraded our cell phones on out account. We have a family plan and leased our phones. There were 2 options. Buy our current phone or send them back for a small credit. The cost to purchase the phone at that time was not worth it so I sent mine back. My wife was going to send hers back until her son decided he wanted her old iphone 7. The cost to keep the phone was more than $200 so she gave him the phone and Sprint tacked on that cost of the phone to our account which I'm paying. He promised to pay for the phone. Since then he's only paid about $50 while I'm still paying for the phone. I told him and my wife today that he either pays for the phone on his next pay check or give the phone back. My wife feels that's too mean because he has other people he has to pay. He borrowed money from his grandma to buy his car so he's paying her back, He has his car insurance and phone bill now, among trying to keep a very needy girlfriend happy. She thinks we should give him more time. I think it's been long enough. Yes, he works but what he's making isn't enough to pay everyone he owes so we're the ones getting stiffed. He's 21 and will go stay with his girlfriend, at her parent's house for 3 or 4 days a week but then come home to wash his car and get his laundry done but we're suppose to just keep turning a blind eye to the fact that he's not following through with his obligations.

Added (1). Am I wrong to try and take the phone from him since he hasn't paid for it? You can't buy a car and keep it for 6 months without making payments on it or they'll come repo it. You can't be mad at the finance company or car dealership cause they took your car. But anytime I mention anything about the phone my wife keeps saying, "he'll pay for it, just give him some more time." How much time does one person need?

I bought an IPhone 7 off a friend how do I change it out of his details and put my ones in?

I just bought an Iphone 7 32GB off my friend and I also made an account with ITunes. Anyhow I have bought the phone and a new sim card and I've tried using the phone to change it in to my details, but for some reason the whole phone seems to be still set in his name, the contacts, the text messages, his calls, all his music, pics and apps are still in his name. Anyhow I know it can be changed into my details so if anyone Here could tell me how to do it then that would be great. And also I do want to take all his details off of the phone an put mine up there, but at the same time I don't want to delete all his data that he has stored on there. So if anyone here can tell me a Way how I can log out of his data and enter mine without deleting any of his, then that would be great!