Guys please help me out here
. My boyfriends delusional ex girlfriend always makes these fake iMessages and accts on fb to break us up. Her latest attempt was a series of screen shots from fb messenger followed with screenshots from her "phone" to show he's "cheating" on me. But in the iPhone screenshot, the time is shown in the left hand corner (not the middle), the service she's on is on the right hand corner (has the service bars and then LTE) and then the battery is on the right as well.
So my question is, iPhones are not set up like this right? The time is always displayed in the top middle, and the service always at the top left?
Every single screenshot she sent me is flawed with mistakes so I know they are fake. She made an accts under a girl name Novia or something and then sent me screenshots and a message that says "tell your boyfriend to stop messaging me."(keyword me) Well in the screen shots my "boyfriend" says her name in one of the texts and "he" says Veronica. So hmm. First flag. Anyways. Guys any help As soon as possible would be great and I'm going to send her screenshots of her fake *** screenshots of where she messed up her lie lol