Apple ID: New email address, same account?
If I change the email address of my Apple ID on my iPhone, can I still access my songs, games etc?
If I change the email address of my Apple ID on my iPhone, can I still access my songs, games etc?
My iphone flash stopped working, i even went into settings and saw that it was on but it doesn't work for some reason. Then i got a flashlight app and it didn't work either. My rear camera used to always be black on the camera app and snapchat and instagram but selfie mode always worked. Now even the selfie mode doesn't work. My camera or flash isn't cracked on my phone so i don't know why it's not working. Should i take it to an apple store or can i fix this problem myself?
How do i connect my iphone to my mac laptop?
Why am I having trouble with my emails downloading on my iPhone? - 1
I dropped my phone a couple times recently & there are a few cracks on my iphone 6 & i will need to get a screen replacement. Does anybody know roughly how much this will cost on the cheap end? I was thinking of taking it to the mall & finding a place there who will prob do it cheaper.
On November 27, 2010 my son was born. Me and my wife adopted a new born baby. We adopted him on the day he was born and that is the day that everything changed. The day we brought him home she has hated him. She always says that she thinks he's going to grow up to be gay and she says that she thinks he's ugly. I think he's handsome. My wife is always screaming out "11/27/2010!" which is his birthday. I'm starting to think she is crazy. Me and her always wanted kids but she can't have kids so we adopted and now she hates him. She is always telling me that she wants nothing to do with him. She says that he's not perfect. Her and him don't talk anymore. I'm basically his only parent. I try to make sure he has a good life by buying him whatever he wants. For Christmas I bought him a cellphone, an iPhone X. And my wife went crazy. She took the box away from me. I got it back and gave it to him, but I thought he can just use it for games which is fine. What should I do? Should I divorce her? I think something might actually be wrong with her. I cry everyday because of this. My son is 7-years-old now and she still hates him for all of these years.
Added (1). I'm not trolling, I know this seems really unreal but unfortunately it is. I'm looking for real answers please. I'm at a loss here.
How do I turn on my IPhone 7? - 1
So I got an iPhone from virgin mobile. I was paying until I missed a couple of Payments so they sent my phone to a debt collecting company. I arranged with them on a certain amount a month but suddenly they stopped collecting money from my account and I when I call the company and quote my account number they say I don't have an account with them anymore. Haven't heard from Virgin or the debt company for months now so I'm just wondering have they forgotten about me or what? Also my phonr line was cut so I can't make or receive calls or text msgs. Not even to virgin mobile.
I have an HP Stream laptop and I used to always import pictures from my iPhone on to my laptop. Around two years ago, I had to do a factory reset because I'd mistakenly deleted an important piece of software (I have no idea how or what I deleted), and after the factory reset, of course, all my pictures were deleted. I just recently found my old laptop and I was just curious if there was a way I could somehow recover all those pictures that I'd lost from that factory reset. It says on my computer that the hard drive/disk space is full- could that possibly mean it's still full of my old pictures? I had a lot… Over a thousand if I remember correctly.
Whenever I open an app I sometimes get a "sign into itunes store" prompt and have to enter my password. If I press cancel it closes the app. If I enter my password the app starts up like nothing ever happened. This happens at completely random intervals. I looked all over Google and only found a similar issue that wasn't quite mine. How do I make this annoying thing go away?