IPhone users- where's the password recovery to sign into the ****** App Store?

There's some kind of paradox here with iPhones. I have not backed up pass words on the cloud, but I do have several email accounts that I have used at various times, all with various passwords; all of which I have foolishly forgotten! So most programs and things of that nature have an option to restore ones password either through a text message or email. Why does Apple seem to not have either of these options, nor does it have the secret questions recovery method? How do I get my damn password reset so that I can get simple apps?!

How to free up the space occupied by other on iphone? 32gb iphone 7 has 20gb space occupied only by other. Tried almost everything?

I have an iphone 7 32g that I bought only a few months before. I barely have apps or photos or voices and I've deleted my browser's caches recently. There's 20gb space occupied only by "other". I don't know where all this 20gb comes from and don't know how to get rid of it and I think it's too much and not normal. I searched and found some solutions but not of them helped. I tried to delete and reinstall apps, delete photos, delete caches but nothing happened. Is there something wrong with my phone? What else can I do to fix this?

Will my friend get me in trouble?

I recently found out my friend has been using his twitter and Facebook accounts on my iPhone. The Facebook profile seems to be a troll account he uses to look up his friends and people he went to high school with and post memes. The Twitter account is some kind of wannabe black panther thing. I went through the posts and there's nothing threatening or illegal on it but it has a lot of racist rhetoric towards Whites, Hispanics, Asians and Muslims. I recently asked him to deactivate the accounts and stay off my phone. Can I get in trouble because my friend is trolling online from my phone? I'm worried I could be arrested people might think I'm a racist. Am I right to worry?

Why are my text messages on my Iphone sometimes not going in order and/or not getting sent until much later?

For some reason, new incoming texts in a thread are sometimes appearing farther up the thread. I'll get the sound notification there's a message, I'll look and don't see a 'new' message but then I'll see that it actually embedded itself a few messages up. It's getting very annoying.

Then the other day I sent two texts to one person, asking a question and when I hadn't received a reply, I sent another text asking for an answer. Turns out the person didn't receive the first 2 texts. Then she ended up getting them 2 days later!

Is this an Apple [Iphone] issue or is it my service provider [Verizon]?

Is iPAbox trust worthy to jailbreak my iPhone?

It has LiberiOS but when I opened the app where I downloaded it from. It said don't use mirror links or anything. It says to download it from the official site. But the thing is, I don't have a PC so I can't do it. Should I use it?

Using an old iPhone with international sim?

I'm going to be studying abroad in Ireland from January through May of this year. I just got a new iphone 8 last week and I still have my old iphone 6. I was planning on keeping my iphone 6 so I can use an international sim to get phone calls, data, etc. Since I've already activated my new phone and taken my old phone off the account, will I need to call verizon and have them unlock my old one(iphone 6)?

How to use an old iphone with international sim card?

I'm going to be studying abroad in Ireland from January through May of this year. I just got a new iphone 8 last week and I still have my old iphone 6. I was planning on keeping my iphone 6 so I can use an international sim to get phone calls, data, etc. Since I've already activated my new phone and taken my old phone off the account, will I need to call verizon and have them unlock my old one(iphone 6)?

How to factory restart on iPhone?

So I've decided to give my old iPhone 6s+ to my friend who doesn't have a phone. Since I got a new iPhone, my old phone number was transferred to it. So if I factory restart the old phone and give it to my friend, will it be clear of all of the old info? I've never done anything like this so lmk please.

How can I Convince my mother for iPhone 7?

I know that the iPhone 8 and X have come out but I want the 7 or 7 plus. MY birthday is coming up soon and I really want one. Also we don't really have birthday party for me because I really like only getting money so what can I do btw I'm turning 14 on the 18th please help!