Is the iPhone intentionally designed to get young children addicted to it?
Is the iPhone intentionally designed to get young children addicted to it? - 1
Is the iPhone intentionally designed to get young children addicted to it? - 1
Don't suggest any other phones
I have reason to believe that an ex of mine is trying to use spyzie or a similar app to hack into my iphone. I looked into some of the apps out there that claim to give someone access to a devices phone log, imessages.sms messages, pictures, etc. The common thing I read with these apps is they require the hacker to provide the persons iclouse information.
My questions is this: If I remove all icloud back ups and remove all the content from my icloud, could someone still hack into my phone with my apple ID and password? I just don't know another way around this. I was thinking the way the app provides the info is through iclousd back up but i'm not sure that is the case because they can see texts, calls(even listen to them!), browsing history, and more. Any ideas? Think I would be safe if I stop backing up to the cloud or do these apps trace the phone once the apple credentials are provided?
Can a phone shop fix an iphone that has lines down the screen and the screen is unresponsive?
If I want to look at my old iPhone and restore it from iCloud backup, will it mess up my current iphone?
Is Terrarium TV safe to download onto my iPhone?
I'm trying to post a picture with this question I'm asking but it says " were experiencing problems " it started doing it last night. I can't do it on mobile or desktop. I have a Samsung Galaxy I'm not getting an iPhone. I haven't been able to do it on my ipod for years. How can I post a picture with my question? What's going on?
How do I permanently delete text message and calls to a point NO ONE can recover them on an iPhone 6s Plus? - 1
I've just signed up to be a deliveroo rider, however I've got a couple of questions.
Do I need to pay for my kit? (I've got my kit collection next week but they don't even know my size)
Is the kit collection a type of interview as well?
Where do I download the app as I can't find it? ( I'm using an iPhone)
Can i update my iPhone 4s to iOS 11 so i can transfer data from my broken iPhone to this one for now? - 1