Why are people being pushed to go to college?
I get that college is really high and mighty and can make people successful. My view point is college only benefits people who have high ambitions and who are aiming to become doctors, lawyers, engineers and big name careers, but not everybody wants to become those things. There's nothing worse than owing somebody money, that's the worst position to ever be in. If you're going to tell somebody to go to college at least tell them what degrees make money and which degrees are useless so they don't end up in student debt with a basic job at like target making a living. My big sister was pushed to go to college, but she didn't owe any money before college, after graduating with a bachelors degree she's in student debt for life, her credit history is demolished. She was pushed to go to college but nobody told her what degree to get and what degree is beneficial. I'm going to junior college for free and I have no idea what I want to do in terms of a career. I don't have ambitions to be an engineer, lawyer or a doctor, so what benefit does college have for me? When I do transfer to four year I'm probably going to have to take out a loan which would put me in a worse position than I'm right now. When my professor told me that everybody should go to college as a means of being successful, I always say so if you want me to get a degree so bad, why don't you pay for my degree? It's like pushing somebody to buy an iPhone when you know they can't afford one.