Would walking out of a vocational training facility makes you look bad and affects your chances of recieving disability benefits? - 1

So I have bipolar disorder and have been trying to get disability since 2012 and have been denied multiple times. I was recently denied by a disability hearing judge. I was referred to vocational rehabilitation and my attorney who handles my disability case suggested me to go there. I went there and they threw me into this training facility. They made me sit there all day packaging salt and pepper packets and it was a stupid job. The lady who referred me there told me when she took me on the tour that I must go to work there everyday. It was a job that went from 7am to 4pm. The pay wasn't even great at all. I got paid like one dollar an hour. I'm super depressed and so I can't handle being there all day. I was super depressed one morning and so I asked to leave to go home and the manager there wouldn't let me. He said I just got here and it was 9am. I got mad and started things and said that if he wouldn't let me go then I will call 911 and said that he is holding me hostage and he letted me go. People told me what I did will now make me not able to get benefits forever. They said you lied under oath to the judge and said you didn't have a phone when you had an iphone. Then they said what I did will affect me because I walked away from an oppurtunity that I was given. Would any of the things that I did affect me? Would it affect my chances because I walked away from the training facility or would it help my case?

Would walking out of a vocational training facility makes you look bad and affects your chances of recieving disability benefits?

So I have bipolar disorder and have been trying to get disability since 2012 and have been denied multiple times. I was recently denied by a disability hearing judge. I was referred to vocational rehabilitation and my attorney who handles my disability case suggested me to go there. I went there and they threw me into this training facility. They made me sit there all day packaging salt and pepper packets and it was a stupid job. The lady who referred me there told me when she took me on the tour that I must go to work there everyday. It was a job that went from 7am to 4pm. The pay wasn't even great at all. I got paid like one dollar an hour. I'm super depressed and so I can't handle being there all day. I was super depressed one morning and so I asked to leave to go home and the manager there wouldn't let me. He said I just got here and it was 9am. I got mad and started things and said that if he wouldn't let me go then I will call 911 and said that he is holding me hostage and he letted me go. People told me what I did will now make me not able to get benefits forever. They said you lied under oath to the judge and said you didn't have a phone when you had an iphone. Then they said what I did will affect me because I walked away from an oppurtunity that I was given. Would any of the things that I did affect me? Would it affect my chances because I walked away from the training facility or would it help my case?

Do I need to keep to SIM card in my phone until the unlocking process is completed? (O2)?

I need to unlock my iPhone SE (which is currently locked to the O2 network), but the website says it can take up to 72 hours to complete.
I received the phone from a family member who still uses the sim, and so I was wondering if, I got them to use their sim to unlock the iPhone for free on the O2 website, would they need to leave it in until the process has finished, or could they take it out and carry on using it in their new phone?