IPhone timer as a stopwatch?

I needed to time something, and noticed that the iPhone timer has no seconds!

Is there a way to change this so that is shows seconds?

My Android had seconds, I thought this was in every phone. Do I need a special app for it for iPhones?

Would I get Introuble for selling a stolen iPhone?

Okay so it's better not to lie and I feel like a piece of *** for this but my friend gave me a phone he took it wasn't reported stolen or anything but I sold it to someone and I gave them my address but they didn't end up picking it up so I dropped it off and the woman copied my drivers license number and my full name because she didn't want to buy a messed up phone. Now the lady's brother keeps calling me and I don't pick up I know it's a coward thing to do but I really needed the money I guess I should make that an excuse I did what I did but I'm 18 I never really do anything bad I've never went to jail. Do you think I will get locked up?

Can you clear the search history on an iPhone?

So if your on your home page of your iPhone, and you scroll back to the search part of it, you can type a word and it will bring up all the emails, messages, notes, everything that has te word in there. Even if they are deleted! Is there a way you can clear this?

Noob mine crafter needs

Well, I've started playing mine craft on my phone today, (iPhone 4). And I was playing survival mode, and I didn't see any zombies at night when I was playing. I went outside my home, and nothing. So I waited till it was dark out again on mine craft, and again, no zombies! Is this normal?

When you buy a movie on itunes does it go to your computer? (i have windows 7)?

I'm fairly new to itunes and i have no idea how it works. Does it go to your itunes and if it does can you move it to your desktop and then burn it on a DVD?

oh and i don't have apple computer or ipod or iphone or i-whatever. My aunt gave me itunes giftcard and the only thing i'd want to do with it is buy movies cuhz i don't want to buy music.

IPhone 5 volume very low? Can't hear calls?

When the phone rings, you can hear it very clearly.same goes for message tones etc.
but when it comes to trying to talk to someone on the phone, I can hardly hear a thing. The volume is very low. I've tried putting the volume up but it already says it's on the highest volume.what's the problem here?
nothing's covering the speaker.

How to block someone's iPhone Wi-Fi that's connected to a wireless radio?

Inconsiderate roommate is blaring his music way to loud. Guy doesn't think about others. I want to find a way to block his Wi-Fi sterio from connecting to his iPhone. Either a app. Or I will purchase something just to shut him up. Either ways to program his phone? Anyway to block his connection.

Can i watch the super bowl on my iPhone?

I'm a huge ravens fan and i won't be around any TVs for the game sadly…
is there anyway i can watch the game on my iphone 4s, i'm willing to pay if i have too!
I have AT&T if that helps…

Why does my computer constantly lose internet connection?

I have had an hp envy for about a year and ever since the first day it would connect to my router and in 30 seconds it will say i have no network connection or no internet connection. I thought it was the new router i got but i replaced it and this still happened, all of my other Wi-Fi devices (iphone, ipad, xbox 360, wii) connect fine and never have this problem. Why does my laptop do this and how can i fix it?