How to fix my water damaged iPhone 5?

I dropped my iPhone 5 in my toilet (it was in my sweater pocket and it fell out). I immediately took off the case and dried it off with a towel and I tried to turn it off, but I couldn't slide the red button because my touch screen wasn't working. I can't take out the battery, because I don't have the right screwdriver to take out the screws on the bottom of the phone, by the headphone jack slot. So I took out the SIM card and I saw that there's a pink circle on the water damage indicator. It's been in a bowl of rice for maybe 20 minutes. It's now stuck on the Apple logo you see when you turn your phone on. Help?

Added (1). Guys, it's already in a bowl of rice._. I'm just asking what should I do about the touch screen and it being stuck at the Apple logo.

Iphone 4S screen completely stopped working out of no where?

My screen has turned completely white with colored lines in it out of no where, literally. I was using my phone, and I put it down on my bed to go downstairs and get my charger and when I came back up to plug it in the screen was completely black so I assumed it died and plugged it in, then when the screen came on it was completely white and I could not do anything with it, I can hold the home and lock buttons down and that turns it off/resets it but when I turn it back on the screen is still the same. When its on I can pull up the Siri but it won't respond to any commands, and use the volume buttons and the silent button but nothing I do will make the screen come back. About four months ago I dropped the phone and the screen cracked and was completely destroyed the display thing wasn't working and apple wouldn't do anything about it because the screen was cracked and the warranty was voided so I went to a place and they replaced the screen for me and I haven't had any problems with it at all until right now and this is completely out of no where because I know for a fact that I didn't drop it or do anything bad to it in the last four days. Is there anything any one knows that could help me fix it or anything. I'm so mad because this is really completely out of no where.

Added (1). Apple didn't fix it because the crack in my screen voided the warranty so they wouldn't have fixed it no matter what the problem was with the phone. I had gone to a place in the mall that is not affiliated with apple at all that replaced the screen for me.

Why won't my iPhone 4s let me send picture messages?

It gives me the option to send pictures and will let me choose a photo but when i press sent the little bar at the top fills half way then stops and a little red exclamation mark comes up next to the picture saying not delivered. Is there something wrong with the phone or can a change it my self in the settings?

Why does my iphone say extended?

Okay so i have a sprint iphone and at home it was saying extended and it usally isn't like this it says sprint on top with the bars, why is it doing this?

Added (1). And its not letting me get msgs

Why does instagram keep crashing? - 1

I have an iPhone 4s and have been using Instagram for over a year with no problem. But for the past few days, it crashes immediately when it gets to the screen where you can add a caption. I've tried closing out of the app, deleting the app & reinstalling it, making sure all other apps are closed, restarting my phone, etc. Nothing has made the least bit of difference and it's getting pretty frustrating.

I sold an LV case and Chanel case. Will ebay and paypal limit my account?

I sold an LV and Chanel iphone case for $15 each on ebay. My friend has been selling on ioffer for a while and her paypal account was disabled because she put up a listing of paul frank case. Will I be in the same trouble for selling luxury brand products?

ps: I have been selling on ebay for 3 years and this is the first time I've sold luxury brand products.

IMac, iPad, iPhone, Mobileme, iCloud sync

I have my iPad and iPhone calendar synced through iCloud.
I googled how to sync it to my iCal on my iMac, and it says to go into system preferences and click the iCloud button under Internet & Wireless but mine says Mobile me.
I was a little familar with Mobile me in school, but I know at school we had a password and had to pay for it and all the good stuff.

anyways, can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong so I can get my iPad/iPhone calendars synced with my iCal on my iMac?