I have a couple of very, very irritating classmates who take a lot of fun in disabling my iPhone. I've told them repeatedly to stop but never really had the time to drill it into my heads since I've got a lot of things to settle and they think that disabling the chairman of the cohort's phone is apparently very amusing, while I'm the one who has to deal with teachers lecturing me about not answering my phone.
I'd kick them in the crotch if I could, but you know, I'm looking for a more appropriate manner to stop them from disabling my iPhone. Any ideas? I legitimately am in desperate need of helpful answers, so those who provide actual advice are very, greatly appreciated.
Added (1). Tried to, really, but oftentimes the teacher calls me up to discuss something about the class and some really nice classmate decides to slip over and take it out of my bag because it's become like a pasttime to them. And while I'm messaging other community members, they love grabbing it out of my hand and I fear for my iPhone's life, so when they take it away, you know, I'd rather not run after them and risk a teacher seeing my tie flapping against my face and get punished even more severely than the usual students.
Sighs, thanks for the answer though. Do you perhaps know of any apps that can help me with this?