My computer is running slow?
So I never had this problem until a few days ago. My computer (Asus windows 7) is running slow, yet if I go on my iPod or iPhone which is connected to the Wi-Fi in my house, it works perfectly fine. What should I do?
So I never had this problem until a few days ago. My computer (Asus windows 7) is running slow, yet if I go on my iPod or iPhone which is connected to the Wi-Fi in my house, it works perfectly fine. What should I do?
I keep posting in the personals through my iPhone app and it used to just post from there. Nowadays it says further action required, sends me an email, then I have to click a link, then accept terms then it posts. It's not that bad but anyone know why it's doing that?
I just recently had to get my iPhone 4s replaced with a new one on warranty. My old one worked fine for the nine months that I owned it, until one day its battery started depleting at the rate of 30% an hour. My new one is having similar battery issues, it goes down about 20% every hour. Is this normal? When I got my first 4S back in April of 2012, I used to be able to go days without having to re-charge it, now, I have to re-charge my new one every 10 hours.
I have had my IPhone 3GS for a couple of years now. It is not activated as a phone, so I use it as an Ipod touch. MY phone screen is pretty badly cracked, and a tiny piece in the corner shows through. I was planning to et the screen replaced in the next month. The phone works perfectly fine as it is. LASt night I was on my phone and the screen suddenly turned completely white! I pressed the top power button and the phone went black and made that signature noise. I pressed the center Home button to open my phone, an it was still completely white. I let my phone rest over night (not on the charger) and this morning it was fine. I texted a few people, went on Instagram, and then it happened again. I have it on a charger now… What is going on? IS this a problem with the screen (because its cracked and stuff) or is this a problem that is internal to the phone? If I go and get my phone screen replaced, will it be a waste of time and money, or will it fix this problem? MY warrantee has LONG expired.
I was looking for a way to get Target's coupons on my passbook on iPhone without having it sent over a text message. I don't have a text plan as I do not text people, so is there a way around this?
I'd like to send my iPhone 4 to a friend in PI. Is an AT&T phone. She says that she will jailbreak it to work.
What problems do I expect to encounter? I've heard that Americans can't ship electronics to some countries. Will I have to pay any export tax or anything like that?
I'm looking for a tripod that can hold my iPhone 4S horizontally over a sheet of paper while I write on it, so I can record what I write. It would be best if the tripod sat off to the side a little, so that it wouldn't get in the way of my arm. I would also prefer if it were not visible in the video (the video will be recording the entire sheet).
So, my iPhone camera's shutter is stuck. At times it opens, but all I see is a black screen. This happened before and all I did was reset the phone a few times and voila! But now, I've restored it like… 6 times already, but it's still messed up. Yeah, I dropped my phone a few times before so yeah. Will getting the camera replaced fix the problem? Thank you! :*** And I can't take it back to Apple since my warranty expired last year.__.
I have Skype both on my laptop and Iphone. How do I change my away status to show "away (on mobile device)" so that when I'm not available on my laptop my family and friends can still see I'm away on mobile device. I see some of my friends have their status showing this sometimes, how do I do it?
I want the best shock/crash/drop proof/resistant case out there and I'm confused what to buy?
Should I go for the aluminum/titanium/metal bumper or should i just go with the silicone/rubber/jelly case? In your opinion which of the two is better when it comes to shock resistancy?