IPhone vibration match the song?

I want to make the vibration match the right tone on my iPhone, I have a 4g, I tried to make my own in the settings but its off.

Do they have a app or something or do I have to do it on my pc?


My brand new IPhone 4S fell out of my back pocket and into the toilet before I could sit down, in my shock I took it out and wiped it down from the water. I used a blow dryer for a few minutes and then stopped cause I knew it wouldn't work. I know online it says you're suppose to turn it off right away but it kept turning on after or restarted so I left it on. I read on google that rice works so I did that and left it for a quick little while then took it out and used a vacuum on both top and bottom to suck the water out (if possible). After doing that for about 15 mins, I was able to touch the screen again and everything was fully functioning, so I figured my phone was fine because it was only in the water for at least 2 seconds nothing more and was still fine, everything worked, I was able to charge it, etc. However it is now the second day and when I got home to charge it the battery would not budge, it would say its charging but wouldn't actually charge… The battery would just drain, and not go up. This concerns me because everything was fine yesterday, and it was fully functional but now it won't charge. Please can anyone help or give suggestions as to how I can fix it or if it's still wet and I just need to dry it out more? I hope you guys can help me and that my problem has a simple solution so I don't have to panic. It's currently sitting in a food container with rice, and I don't know what to do with it now. I'm just worried because I don't want to get a new one or pay for it to be repaired cause they are both fairly expensive. So please tell me I'm not completely doomed and there's a way to save me!

Will my Iphone 5 work in another country?

I'm planning on going to America and need to use my phone. I won't be needing it to call people, just to browse the web and to listen to music.
My phone IS unlocked. Will I need to change the sim or get a sim from America?

I'm from Australia btw.

Using a microsim adapter for iphone 3GS?

My microsim will not go into the iphone 3gs. I have looked online for a microsim adpater and there have been mixed reviews. Please can anyone shed light on this?

What are iPhones made out of?

Does anyone know where I can find information regarding what materials make up an iPhone? All I could find were a list of minerals used to produce some of the metals found underneath the casings. I mean, from what natural resources exactly are we manipulating to make an iPhone? If it's too much effort to find the information, can someone help steer me towards the right direction at least.

I can't install the new installous on my iphone 4?

I've tried installing the new version of installous but every time it shows a message
the indicated repository could not be found. This could be because you are trying to add a legacy installer repository (these are not supported)
also this interface is only capable of working with exact repository URLs


How much does auto-brightness drain the battery?

Specifically on the iPhone, but other phones as well. Auto brightness uses the light sensor to adjust the brightness constantly. How much extra battery does that use throughout the day?
Can I save battery by manually adjusting the brightness when needed (or leaving it low)?