My i5 battery seems to drop 10-20% on standby fully charged. Not only that, while I'm using it, I can literally see a percent drop every minute. I make sure all apps are closed, all location services are off, push notifications are off, the brightness on my screen in dimmed and Wi-Fi is off while I'm out. It makes a difference, but not much. Usually the phone will last 5-6 hours. Sometimes 4.
I took it to the Apple store and they told me they couldn't replace it because the diagnostic read the phone is working properly. After I then proceeded to explain how horrible the battery is, show screen shot proof and debunked all their theories on me making this up. They still wouldn't replace it. The Apple clerk told me its the software, not the battery If I restored it twice (which I did, used back up the first time, then registered it as a new phone) and still having the same results.
Then he told me all he could was replace the battery (WTF?), and If the problem continued call Apple Care to replace it, because the warranty for battery issues is through them. Is anyone having similar problems with their i5? Will Apple be coming out with an update to fix this? Thanks.
And please, If you came here to tell me how much better Android or Galaxy S3 is, please keep it to yourself.