Why are these random people so mean to me?

Everytime they see me they all laugh then act mean to me. One of them "accidentally" knocked my iPhone on the floor and the screen cracked and my dad had to get it fixed. One of the girls actually keyed my dad's car and he got mad at me. When I had gotten a new pair of Coach shoes, I had took it off to change for gym and I ran to the locker room toilet and they actually cut my shoes up then they said " Since you are so rich, buy a new pair." when I saw them which made me know it was them. My mom had given me a gold necklace, and they stole it off of me and I chased after them into a bathroom and one of the girls went in a stall while the others blocked me and I heard a toilet flush and the girl bragged about how she flushed it down the drain. I can't take it anymore and they won't leave me alone. WHAT DO I DO?

IPhone 5 battery draining really fast?

I've had my iphone 5 for a couple weeks and the battery was just fine but a couple days ago it started draining really fast. About 1% every ten minutes In standby mode without any apps running in the background. Is there any way to fix the battery? How fast do most iphone 5 batteries drain?

How to Un-restore iPhone 4s?

My second iPhone broke so I got a new one today. I restored it thinking i would getting my pictures back from my second phone but it transferred everything from my first iPhone with the parental locks. I was just wondering if i can un-restore it and get rid of all of the useless items form my first iPhone.

Any way to clean dirty iPhone 4 screen protectors?

Okay so I was trying to apply a new iPhone 4 screen protector but it got dirty because I sneezed on it. After stupidly trying to wipe off the snot with my sleeve, lint and stuff got all over it. After trying and trying to get it clean I moved to the next one, which I got dirty because I accidentally dropped it on the ground.
Those were my last two screen protectors, and I don't want to buy some more because they cost like $15 for a pack of 3 and I feel like I just wasted $10. Any way to clean dirty iPhone 4 screen protectors?

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Added (1). All the dirty stuff got on the sticky side of the protectors, the ones that go on the screen itself.
*sigh* just my luck.

And no i DO NOT want to buy a new one please I want to learn how to clean them.

Free Music Downloading Apps For IPhone4?

I need a app where you can download music for free then listen to it anytime even without Wi-Fi. My friend got this app called Music Paradise and ik she doesn't need Wi-Fi to listen to the music she downloaded cause she doesn't got service on her phone and we listened to her music all the time, but the app isn't for iPhone. Any help?

Transfer photos from iPhone to Mac?

I have an iPhone 4S and a MacBook Pro and on my phone I have over 800 pictures but I want to only transfer about 500 to my computer. Is there any way to do that?