Why are these random people so mean to me?
Everytime they see me they all laugh then act mean to me. One of them "accidentally" knocked my iPhone on the floor and the screen cracked and my dad had to get it fixed. One of the girls actually keyed my dad's car and he got mad at me. When I had gotten a new pair of Coach shoes, I had took it off to change for gym and I ran to the locker room toilet and they actually cut my shoes up then they said " Since you are so rich, buy a new pair." when I saw them which made me know it was them. My mom had given me a gold necklace, and they stole it off of me and I chased after them into a bathroom and one of the girls went in a stall while the others blocked me and I heard a toilet flush and the girl bragged about how she flushed it down the drain. I can't take it anymore and they won't leave me alone. WHAT DO I DO?