Where can I watch free full movies with fast loading?

I really need help where can I watch free online movies that is fast loading? Would help if you answear! Oh, and is there anyway i can watch movies on my iphone without using itunes/jailbreak and all those stuff?

Iphone headphone jack problem?

The case I use for my iPhone pushes against my headphone jack when I plug it in, meaning the headphone jack barely fits in the phone, lately I have been hearing some static from my headphones, could this be from the misalignment of the jack and audio socket caused by the case? I tried multiple pairs of headphones so they are not causing the problem.

What are Straight Talk's data speeds?

I have bought an unlocked iPhone 5, and I was about to buy the Straight Talk sim, but then I realized that I didn't know their data speeds. I was surprised to learn that NOWHERE do they post their data speeds. I emailed them a week ago, and because of the half-baked customer service, they haven't replied. Anyway, does anyone know what their data speeds are, or at least have experience with them?

Why is my iphone 4 not charging?

I'm having problems with getting my iphone to charge. I've tried different things such as: cut the phone on and off, plugged in different chargers & tired using different wall outlets, plugged it up to the computer, and i even tired my mom iphone on all the chargers and hers seem to work perfectly fine so it has to be my phone. Does anyone else have or had this problem and what did you do to solve it?

Iphone 4s battery keeps dying 20-25%

My dads had the 4s since its come out and passed it down to me a few months before the 5 came out, the battery has always been fine for him and me since last week, my phone turns of at 20-25% like the battery has died and as soon as I plug it in it turns back on straight away and starts charging? Help (I don't charge it over night I charge it in the mornings) how could I calibrate it?

How much do you pay for the IPhone on Verizon?

So My Birthday is this month! And i'm thinkin about gettin the IPhone 4s. I was woundering about how much would i have to pay each month? Because with the share everyhthing plan it costs $99.99 with the 2-year plan. I'm kinda new to all this it going to be my first time with Verizon and i don't want to pay too much because my mom thinks that it will just be a waste of money! Lol And i heard sumthin about paying for minutes yeah yhu can tell i'm new at this so please explain! Lol Thank you!
~~~~~~~~~~~~felling dumb now~~~~~~~~~~~