IPhone 4S Battery keeps dying 20-25%?

My dads had the 4s since its come out and passed it down to me a few months before the 5 came out, the battery has always been fine for him and me since last week, my phone turns of at 20-25% like the battery has died and as soon as I plug it in it turns back on straight away and starts charging?

Synching to iTunes on new laptop?

My old laptop with my iTunes on it has completely died. I have no way of retrieving any files from it. I have bought a new laptop and downloaded iTunes, but can't synch my iPhone straight up to it, I have the option to backup my files, and then update the phone software, which will wipe the phone. Will doing this and then restoring the backup allow me to synch the 2 together? I have heard about changing the iTunes settings to delete the old laptop from the account and register the new one, is this possible and would it solve the problem, and if so how do I do this?

IPhone 3 won't update to iOS 6.0.1?

I just got an iPhone 3 today, it has been used but works fine, but it won't update to iOS 6.0.1. I know its meant to because I was checking stuff on my friends iPhone an it had an update for iOS 6.0.1. On iTunes it says iOS 4.2.1 and it says it's the current update. On my iPhone on settings/general it doesn't have update on it because of the version it is. So why won't it update?

Added (1). I had to update when I first connected it to itunes

Added (2). Sami: I only think it can update because my friends iPhone 3 did and their's still works…
and my phone won't even say there's an update.

Windows 8 Download/Installation Problem?

I downloaded Windows 8 on Wednesday at my office. I was only using my iPhones hotspot and it was taking for ever to download so I cancelled it. I tried to download it on my broadband and it comes up with an unknown error at the end of trying to install it. The image can be found here: http://postimage.org/image/m2icrrhc9/ also
I have unlimited Internet and the file hasn't actually downloaded yet. Is there a way to download a version where I just enter the product key because with the download assistant you have to pay for it again.

How to update the Whatsapp version 2.8.7 on my 3g Iphone (IOS 4.2.1)?

I used to have it and it worked perfectly but a couple of days ago it stopped working and it keep showing me a msg saying: "Sorry your version of the app is too old. Please download the latest version from the app store" and when I tried to download the new version it gave me this msg: "This app requires IOS 4.3"

What instant messaging apps are good for iphone and blackberry?

I recently got the iphone 5 and my girlfriend still has a blackberry, i was wondering what instant messaging apps are good for us to communicate with?
We used bbm all the time and never had any problems with it its a great app, i'd like something that's very similar!

Why does my iPhone 4S randomly vibrate? - 1

So when my iPhone 4S is plugged in to charge it is fine until it hits 80% an from there on it will vibrate every few seconds and its really irritating. The charging screen will go away for like half a second and then come back and vibrate. When I turn the sound on it makes the charging sound every couple seconds. At some points it goes off at least 20 times a minute… Don't know what to do!

Anyone experienced with parcel pool shipping?

So I've ordered a OtterBox Defender Series Hybrid Case & Holster for iPhone 4S and on amazon's site it states that my package is being shipped from Chester, VA via usps, But i tracked the code for usps and it isn't them, I later then returned and called amazon and it was a fault on their part and gave me a parcel pool shipping #, It's been about 3 days since I've placed the order and Today I went to check and it's made no progress towards coming to me at all! It's still in Chester, Va… And parcel pool isn't giving me much information. Anyone know what to do? Should I call them and be like what's up, it's been 3 days and my item is still in same place or what? Maybe I should contact amazon again?

This is very frustrating and could use some help

Added (1). I'm sorry if this is the wrong spot, Yahoo answers isn't very helpful when it comes to selecting the right section to this topic.