Free online movies on iPhone?

So I want a site (kind of like where I can watch movies online for free, with no download or anything, but without getting virus, and that I can watch on my iPhone… Does such a thing exist?

Does Kuaiyong really work & does it contain viruses?

Does that new app ( I guess i can call it that) Kuaiyong really work & does it contain any viruses ect? I have a jailbroken iphone on 5.1 & i want to update it now since Installous closed down for good and that was the main reason why i jailbroke it in the first place.

Has anybody tried it yet? & If so is it any good like Installous?


Can I get an iPhone 5 if my iPhone 4S stopped vibrating?

I can't remember when, but sometime after maybe 3 months of having my iPhone 4S, I noticed it wasn't vibrating. Went into the settings, tapped the back, got that ibrate app, everything. Nothing worked. Still doesn't vibrate. Can I go to apple or my carrier and get an iPhone 5?

How to avoid using your minutes on a iphone? - 1

Looking for a cydia app or any paid/free app that can make calls look like a regular call screen and *Must* beable to get my own number. I'm trying to get something just for calling not with text because the app sometimes can be confusing and hard to call alot of people in short amount of time.

IPhone Contacts Won't Delete Permanently?

When I delete a contact from my iPhone 4s, most of the time the contacts number will not delete permanently and the number will show up when I go to send a text message. For instance, my mom's number is (123)45-7899 well if she gets her number changed and I go into my contacts to change the number her new number will show up in my contacts and the old number won't show up in the contacts anymore. But when I go to text her new number, both numbers show up, her new number shows up on top, and her old number shows up under that as though it is a separate contact. How do I stop this from happening? And get the duplicates from showing up? It really is more annoying than it sounds when every time one of your contacts changes their number, and the old one never deletes out of your phone no matter what you do.

IPhone problems. Internal? Software update will

My iPhone keeps shutting off and when I put it on silent it switches to sounds, silent, sound, silent and I don't know what it's on. I called apple they said to do a restore and if it doesn't fix it then I get a new one. First question. What can I do to the phone that a restore can't fix and they would have to give me a new one just invade the restore works

No gift card buyers will accept my Itunes giftcards?

So I got like 50$ in Itunes giftcards this Christmas and I have no use for them because I have a jailbroken Itouch, Ipad, and Iphone. There really isn't any reason in me using them when I can get everything for free.

Anyway, I heard you can sell Gift cards for money online at places like:

However, when I'm searching for my merchant it says: Apple Store (Not Itunes). On all of the websites I've been to it says the same exact thing.

So my question is, why don't they buy Itunes and where can I sell my Itunes gift cards?