Pictures and restoring my iphone 4s?

My iphone 4s has been glitching lately and I was going to restore it… But will I only have my pictures that are saved in my photo stream? Or will both the stream and the camera roll be saved?

Don't want to lose my pictures! D

Best audio mixing software/app?

I have been searching around for an app or downloadable software (it could be online also though) that allows you to mix audio tracks (specifically Mp4 or whatever iPhones, iPod Touch uses in Voice Memos). I want to be able to record a melody, and then a harmony and other elements such as instruments on separate tracks and then mix them together into one track to make a song. What is the best working app or software for this?

If you're going to suggest downloadable software, please let it be a free one. I don't mind paying for a low priced app as much.

Itunes The song could not be used?

When I plugged my IPhone in a window came up and said "Song could not be used would you like to locate it" When I chose yes I couldn't find the song. There's around 25 songs that have the explanation point by it and when I try to play the song the box pops up. I have around 1, 200 songs on my Itunes and nothing else has the explanation point and they all play fine. I bought all my songs through Itunes and have not messed with the files. Is there any way to retrieve the songs without buying them again.

How to block unknown numbers from calling your mobile?

I know you can download an app to block certain people from calling you but unknown callers can still call and it's just a tad annoying. Basically useless to block people from calling when they can swtich their caller ID off. I'm using an iPhone btw.

How much would it cost to unlock iphone 4s or 5?

I kind of don't want to do it myself because i'm afraid i'll mess something up or i don't know. I just want to know the price if i went to a phone store to do it? Or wherever with a professional. If its too expensive, i'll just do it myself, but i'm just wondering.

IPhone problems? Sprint store or apple store?

My phone won't charge, don't know if it's a damaged port or an iOS problem. Does anyone know if I should take into the Sprint store where it was purchased or take to the Apple store?

I know I'm in the wrong category. Consumer electronics/cell phones are hardly ever answered.

Added (1). Katy, well you're wrong sweetie pie because I tried looking ONLINE for an answer to this already and guess what? Couldn't find a darn thing. Stay off my question if you don't like me posting here. Move on.

Any difference between store bought factory unlock and factory unlocking it yourself?

A relative of mine lives in California and was going to get me an iPhone. He says he was going to buy a used one that is factory unlocked. I noticed, a factory unlocked iPhone is sold pricier than one that is locked. I've also noticed that there are posts on Craigslist that claims that they can factory unlock an iPhone. Is there any difference? Can't you just buy a locked iPhone and just factory unlock it yourself? Or is there glitches and whatnot?

How much does it cost to activate an iPhone 4 with sprint?

Okay, so I actually have two questions. Is it true that you can go to the apple store and ask for an iPhone 4 and get one for free and just leave without paying a single dime? And how much does an iPhone 4 cost to activate it with sprint 2-year plan?