How to turn on auto rotation on the iPhone 3GS?

I let my sister use my phone and now next to the battery percentage on the top right there's a lock with an arrow pointing in a circular motion pointing clockwise and Now the pages won't rotate.

Unlock Sprint iPhone 4s online?

Where can I factory unlock my Sprint iPhone 4s online? I'm in Jamaica right now so i won't be able to go to Sprint to unlock my phone and there A LOT of online scams out there for iPhone so i need to know a legitimate website for unlocking iPhones.

Where can I get my Clothing Line Manufactured?

Where Can I get my Clothing Manufactured, And How. I have searched everywhere and i can't find anything, I'm not looking for a customize i'm serching for a way i can produce my hoodies zip ups and/ Pull overs I'm also making Crews, and sweaters, and snap backs

I basically need to know how i can produce my clothing apparel (Hoodies, Tee's, SnapBacks, Shoes, Beanies and Iphone Cases) I would like to produce these items in amounts of one hundred each I'm mostly focused on Manufacturing the tees, and Hoodies what do i need to know and how can i get this done and also who can i get this done with

My iphone 4 is not showing how many texts i have?

Like on the texting icon i have 2 texts, but it doesn't show it on there?
for example when you get a missed call it shows on the phone ico the little 1 in red?
it doesn't do that with my texting?
but I get the texts messages

IPhone 5 deleting texts by itself?

I just bought an brand new iPhone 5 from Best Buy a week ago, and for some reason my texts are getting deleted. But the weird part is not the whole conversation will get deleted, only bits and pieces will be missing. And I know for a fact it's not someone going through my phone and deleting them because this has happened when I'm by myself.
So far it has done to this to two different contacts in my phone, and I know for sure one also has an iPhone and I think the other person has one too, but I'm not 100% positive. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

Any ideas? Has this happened to anyone else?

Can an iPhone 5's text messages and location be tracked with GPS apps?

My girlfriend's ex-boyfriend apparently put a GPS tracker on her iPhone 5 and is also monitoring her texts and phone calls? Or so she thinks. He's trying to sabotage her and I'm not going to jail for physically destroying this guy. Or not yet. Is there a way to remove any invisible tracking bullsh*t on her phone so that he can't see everything she's doing anymore?

Best way to jailbreak Iphone?

I've been thinking about jail breaking my iPhone 4S. What is the best way to do it? Meaning which jail break is better. I know there are different ones out there just not sure which way to go

Iphone 5 won't show up in itunes?

I just got an iPhone 5 and I chose the "restore from iTunes backup" option, and when I plug the iPhone into iTunes, it won't show up! Anywhere! I have the latest iTunes version if it helps