How to get notes and photos transferred from my Iphone 4 to the Iphone 5?

I just got it today. I had everything saved to the Icloud but for some reason only the contacts and calendars are the same. But photos and notes did not transfer to the new phone. Also I noticed I had to redownload all of my apps and now my game saves are not there. How Do I fix all this?

Will my cell phone plan with verizon be cheaper if I get the iPhone separately?

I plan on switching to Verizon soon, yet I will be on a budget since I'll also be living on my own for college. So my question is, can I open up an account with Verizon, buy a cheap phone with data and texting etc. On it, THEN buy a Verizon iPhone off of ebay? Also, how much would the monthly charge be if I was to buy an iPhone 5 with its plan at Verizon?

Mac mini won't connect to internet?

My husband has a mac mini running on 10.3.7 that he got from a friend, we have a verizon wireless jetpack, and it works fine on my MacBook Air to connect to the internet. The jetpack also works fine with the ipad & iphone. He just got an iphone and wants to connect it to his mac mini so he can get his itunes and other info on the phone. Every time we try to connect to the internet with the mini, the Verizon jetpack shows up on the ethernet, we enter the correct password as prompted, and either get some sort of 'password is not correct', or 'error' message. (It's the same exact correct password that's worked with my other devices)

We need to get online to update the horribly out of date system & get his phone set up with photos & music too. The mini is a power pc G4. We've tried just about everything I can think of to connect. I'm not mac-retarded, but this one seems to be out of my scope of knowledge.

I've already searched google for a good hour, and hit up the mac forums with no luck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Maybe some computer genius can tell us what might be wrong.

How to make my website fit all screen sizes?

I was wondering how do I make my website fit all screen sizes, such as Iphone, Tablets, Laptops and desktops. I created my website on desktop, when I view it on tablet or iphone the images and texts are overlapping each other. How do I fix that?

I can't download apps on my iPhone 3?

It says i need ios6 or something like that… I can't download apps at all. How can i get ios or how can i download apps? Can someone help i'm not big on technology.

IPhone 4 - free browsing on home network?

I just got an iPhone 4 as a late Christmas present (I know there's a 4S and a 5, but I got the 4) and I'm with O2 on 'Pay as you Go'. I understand this means I have to pay to surf the net when I'm not connected to a wireless network, but what if I'm at home, connected to my home network and I want to use the web? Is it still free for me to use like all the other devices connected to my router? Or will I still be charged by O2 for using it?

Best thin, and protective iphone 4s case

So I've been using looking for up good thin cases and so far I've found cases like the reveal, feather, switcheasy, candyshell, etc., so I don't know what case I should get I want a case with good protection, should be thin, has good grip, and won't break easily. So what would be the best case not just out of the ones mentioned but all cases that fit that criteria?

Where can I flash a sprint iPhone?

I have a sprint iPhone 4 and I want to flash it somewhere like metro or boostmobile or virginmobile. Can I? It has bad esn or whatever it's called. And leave answers that you're sure, not if you think.