How to unlock my iphone 3Gs? It was jailbroke and I tried to update it to IOS6

My son jailbreak my iphone 3Gs without telling me, then I tried to update it to IOS6 and now its lock by apple, is there a way to unlock it again so I can use it normally? I don't wanna bring it Apple Store as much as possible, I know they will charge me a lot on it, Thanks & I will appreciate all your answes

About my my diagnostic data. Can somebody tell me if is this normal for iPhone?

Timestamp: 1354060861207
crashReporterKey: "0c49f26949e60899db4943b66c2d02d5d692550…
isAnonymous: true
deviceConfigId: 152
investigationId: 0
model: "iPhone2, 1"
softwareBuild: "10A523"
firmwareVersion: "iBoot-1537.4.21"
basebandVersion: "05.16.07"
buildtype: "User"
metriclogs {
triggerTime: 1354060860977
triggerId: 458758
profileId: 152043
metricCCDiagnosticsAllowed {
allowed: true
timestamp: 1354060861125
metriclogs {
triggerTime: 1354063482828
triggerId: 458758
profileId: 152043
metricCCDiagnosticsAllowed {
allowed: true
timestamp: 1354063483028
metriclogs {
triggerTime: 1354072469708
triggerId: 458758
profileId: 152043
metricCCDiagnosticsAllowed {
allowed: true
timestamp: 1354072469877
metriclogs {
triggerTime: 1354077883707
triggerId: 458758
profileId: 152043
metricCCDiagnosticsAllowed {
allowed: true
timestamp: 1354077883882
metriclogs {
triggerTime: 1354088316363
triggerId: 589825
profileId: 152001
wifiPowerState {
timestamp: 1354088316358
powerState: true
metriclogs {
triggerTime: 1354088321841
triggerId: 589827
profileId: 152002
wifiAssociation {
timestamp: 1354088321841
error: 4294963391
channel: 1
signal: -45
bssid_oui: "\310\315r"
security: "WPA "
deauth_reason: 0
deauth_source_oui: "\000\000\000"
metriclogs {
triggerTime: 1354088317008
triggerId: 458758
profileId: 152043
metricCCDiagnosticsAllowed {
allowed: true
timestamp: 1354088317035
metriclogs {
triggerTime: 1354088754523
triggerId: 655363
profileId: 152008
locationUpdateSession {
timestamp: 1354088752902
timestampEnd: 1354088754381
desiredAccuracy: 1000
cellAvailable: true
wifiAvailable: true
passcodeLocked: false
airplaneMode: false
ttff: 0
ttffGps: -1
bundleid: "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Weath…
achievedAccuracy: 4186
achievedSpeed: -1

I think I bricked my iphone?

Okay so a couple days ago i tried jailbreaking it. I didn't like it. And wanted to restore i put it into pwned dfu mode and as i was restoring my iphone 4 i got the error 1601. And then i pressed off of the error message and then it disconnected my ipod (as in it stopped recognizing it) so i unplugged it. And it won't turn on. And so i plugged it back into my computer and it still won't recognize it.i'm so confused on what just happened. How do i get this thing to turn on? I just got it like 3 days ago.first of all, is there a program that can tell me if it's bricked or not?

How to delete contact from iPhone?

I deleted it but somehow it's stored in my phone somewhere cause if I go start a new text message and type the first letter of someone name their number shows

Why is streaming faster on my iphone than laptop?

I tried grooveshark on my laptop but it takes 1 minute before every song to load, so i tried spotify, same thing… But then i got spotify on my phone and it streams music no problem, at a great speed… Why is my laptop slow at streaming things? How can I speed things up?

IPhone not charging but charger isn't broken?

I just bought a new charger for my iphone a couple weeks ago and it has been working fine until now. When I tried plugging the USB into the computer there's a pop up that says "USB Device Not Recognized" and it still will not charge.