Iphone will not connect to computer?

So my iphone will not connect to my computer at all. My computer does not try to recognize my phone. I plug in my phone to the computer and it makes that sound but nothing happens my phone won't even charge when it is plugged into the computer. I'm not really sure what i should do!

Why do people buy an iPhone?

Specifically, if we take the example of iPhone 5, following is what goes for and against it:

1. Good design
2. Large App ecosystem
3. Polished, clean UI of IOS
4. Ease of use
5.very light weight

1. Tightly coupled with iTunes
2. No USB mass storage
3.poor quality of materials (scratches, paint coming off, etc.whole bunch of complaints)
4. Does not gain signal when moving from low coverage to high coverage area (iOS bug)
5.can't transfer files, photos via bluetooth
6.exorbitantly priced
7.sub-par camera (purple haze, lens flare complaints from users)
8. Maps software is way behind Google maps
9. No compliance with standards - Lightning cables are expensive and not freely available at a local shop in case one cable malfunctions or breaks.
10. Too little too late - there are more advanced features in Samsung Galaxy S3 which was released about 5 months earlier than iPhone5 and still the iPhone5 costs more and does not match up with the features offered by SGS3.

YET, people buy an iPhone 5 after paying a hefty premium. It just defies any sense and logic.

My senegal parrot bites

So I have a 7 month old Senegal parrot named Ollie. He is mostly a super nice bird! He chats with me and loves kisses and scratches under the chin. He's generally not aggressive. But he has these little temper tantrums now and then where he just bites me really hard on purpose! And when he see's I'm in pain he milks it and bites harder!

It happens on many different occasions and I can't find a pattern! Sometimes he is just grumpy when he comes out of the cage, sometimes he bites when I talk to other people or my dogs, most often its when I don't let him have certain things like my iphone or necklace (he breaks them!), and sometimes he gets himself in weird situations like getting himself stuck or falling and ending up upside down and when I help him he bites me!

Keep in mind this is not all of the time but I'm worried it could end up that way… Any suggestions?

IPhone deleting notes on its own

I had some very important information saved to my notes, & now they're just gone! And when I try to create a new one it won't save it. When I leave the app and go back to it, the new one is gone too. Is there any way to get them back or am I royally screwed?

Is it safe to give my iPhone IMEI and serial #s?

I sold my old iPhone 4 on ebay and some guy is asking for the Serial and IMEI
He has not paid for the item yet and I'm wondering if he can do anything malicious with this information that may prohibit the sale to himself or future buyers if he decides not to pay.