Do I need iTunes to activate my new iphone 4?
Do I need iTunes to activate my new iphone 4?
Do I need iTunes to activate my new iphone 4?
I had my phone stolen at Walmart yesterday and i thought i downloaded the find my iphone app but apparently i never did. If i file a police report and contact ATT would they be able to help in any way? I don't know what to do
Added (1). I know i have to do that but would they realistically be able to do anything for me? Could they track the IMEI number and locate it
I've had an iPhone 4S since January and I'm on my dad's plan but I have a 2 year contract. Could I get cancelled off the plan without the fee?
I have a phone that my step dad gavee me (iPhone 4) but its on sprint and I have Verizon… If it matters… Currently I have an HTC thundebolt my thunderbolt has a sim card the iPhone does not… Any help is grately apreciated
Like when you are on your iPhone and you go to connect to a wireless connection. And it says DNS right under router.
I just got my iPhone 4, and I turned the MMS on. When I try to send a picture (to a normal phone or another iPhone), it tried to send, and then says "message sending failed." Anyone know how I can fix this?
I have the iPhone 4S and I've had it for about 11 months. I don't keep up with downloading software and things, but I decided today would be a good day to get some new music and maybe get iOS 6.0.1. However, I tried connecting to my houses Wi-Fi and it would have the little turning circle and say it was connected, but it would still say it was using 3G. I tried restarting my phone, but nothing is working.
I need Internet on my computer but I don't have the Wi-Fi password on my computer, but my iPhone is logged in on the network. I don't know the password, so is there anyway I could create a Wi-Fi hotspot using the Wi-Fi on my iPhone? It's jailbroken too is that helps
I'm trying to unlock my iphone 3gs on iOS6. I already installed ultrasn0w then I tried to install 'ultrasn0w fixer for iOS6' but I'm having problems adding the repo: I'm getting this error:
Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)
Failed to fetch Sub-process gzip returned and error code (1)
Is there an alternate way for this
I have an iPhone 4. Not 4s. Just 4. I also have a Kindle Fire that I'm getting rid of because I just don't like it. My dilemma is trying to figure out if I want an iPad or the new iPhone? Nothing is wrong with my iPhone. It's perfect condition. I just don't know which to buy. Any opinions of what I should do?