What are some good sites to sell an ipod/iphone?

I'm thinking of selling my ipod touch to somwhere or someone, but I don't know where. I've heard gamestop sells ipods, but they only give you part of in-store credit & cash, and I only want cash (maybe credit)

Good photo editing apps for iPhone?

Can anyone give me suggestions on a good photo editing app? A free one of course because I don't have any money in my iTunes account. I want to make a collage but I don't like the spaces in between the photos, any app where you can make a collage with the photos not apart? Like connected. Anyway, any good suggestions for a good photo editing app?

If I sync my new iPhone with my iTunes will I get my pictures back?

I recently lost my iPhone 4 to water damage and was unable to get any information off of it. I had 2, 000 pictures on my old iPhone's camera roll before it was ruined. I DID NOT back up my iPhone to my iTunes but I had synced my iPhone with iTunes to put new music onto my phone about a week before my iPhone broke. I got a trial version of a wondershare recovery program and it pulled up all my pictures and notes and messages and everything that was on my old phone but being the trial i was not able to copy or recover any pictures form the program without buying the full version. But being that it was able to pull up all my old information from my iTunes i now the files are still in tact. My question is, if i plug in my new iPhone 4s to sync with my iTunes will my old pictures from the old phones camera roll sync with my new iPhone or will i have to buy the wondershare program?

Transfering music from SD card to iTunes?

Ok my computer crashed a whole ago and I found one of my old sd cards with music I want on it but whence I copy and paste into iTunes as soon as I pull out sd card the music says unable to locate files… I want to put it on my iPhone to so just leaving the card in the comp.dosnt help…

How to delete System Certificate on a mac?

Ok so i'm wondering how to delete a system certificate stored in System Keychain. So i'm a iphone developer and without out knowing the difference between saving in login and system so i choose system. I have duplicate certificates that have been revoked and whenever i try deleting it ask me to confirm and then ask to login with master password and then it says something about being opened in wrong application or something.

Can I change the carrier of my LG Optimus L45C by rooting?

I recently got an LG Optimus L45C phone. As far as I know, it's only supported carrier is Net10, but I want to use Verizon. Is it possible to change the carrier by rooting the device? I know that you can change the carrier on an iPhone if you jailbreak so I was wondering if you could do the same on an Android device.

Canon Rebel t3i or Nikon d3200?

Okay so i have a digital camera but i really want to upgrade to a dslr, I've shot with both these cameras before and loved it, but which is better? I'm instagram famous with 44, 000 followers and the nikon has a feature to wirelessly import the pics right to my iphone. And the canon has really good focus. Which one has better video quality and which one has better focus? I don't know which one to pick.haha help?

Is there an app like SelfControl (for mac) for the iPhone?

The SelfControl app for mac, which blocks sites on your "blacklist" that contribute to your unproductivity (twitter, facebook, youtube, etc.whatever you want) is so helpful to me. However, i find myself going on my iphone and going on twitter/fb/instagram/etc… Is there a similar iphone app that can block me from these for a certain amount of time?