How to get free gift cards for amazon, from your Iphone, know any others?

I know of one program, but are there any others that actually work with a fast turn around like this one?

You can use this program, it's got a faster turn around then any of the one's I have tried. Within a week I got a 25 dollar gift card for amazon.

It's only for Iphone, will be for droid soon though!
Download free apps run them 30 secs get the credits and cash in the points for gift cards. I'm looking for more programs like this, apptrailers is to slow.

Is it possible to transfer songs from my iPod to my iPhone?

I've tried pretty much everything. I've downloaded programs, made playlist, tried syncing it, and nothing seems to work. I think my iPod is the first generation and my iPhone is the 4s. I have about 200+ songs that I'd like to transfer. Help please?

Added (1). I'm on a shared computer so there are other songs that I don't want on itunes and not all of the songs on my iPod are on itunes.

My iPhone makes one of my earphones to stop working?

Whenever I plug my earphones into my iPhone 3GS it works for about a day, but then will suddenly kill the left ear, you can't hear it if you plug it into any other MP3 player.

There's a small crack next to the jack which I think could be the reason why. Is there any way to fix this.

How to delete my twitter from my mail?

I have an iPhone 3GS and my twitter is linked to my e-mail and I receive an e-mail if I get a new follower, or mention. I want to keep my twitter account logged in so when I'm out I can use it but don't want to receive an e-mail every time. Can I stop e-mails from twitter coming through on my phone?

Best iphone/ipod/ipad to itunes transfer software?

As you may know an ipad can only be synced to one computer, or you can "transfer Purchases" alot of the music I got from my friend or bought with a different apple id such as my mothers, I'd like to know if there's an application or program for pc computers which can transfer all of the music you have on your ipod or ipad or iphone to itunes and have it show up as a normal music file, album cover, song name, etc. If you know of any id appreciate it.

Can't download attachments?

Hi, I can't download attachments with my Yahoo mail. When I click on the attachment, I get the box titled "Scanning for Viruses." Then I get "Scanning is complete and no viruses were detected." and I click continue. Then nothing happens. I checked the download folder and it is empty.

It does not appear to be a problem with my PC since other family members can download from their Yahoo mail accounts using the same PC. Oddly enough, it works OK on my iPhone, just not on any PC (I've tried 4 different PC's so far). Can someone at Yahoo please help?

Can one smoke a Vicodin to get high?

I have reason to believe my niece may be smoking Vicodin to get high. This morning she sent out a chain letter for thanksgiving to various people in her phone, our iPhones for some reason send whatever people reply to her back to a chain letter to everyone that received the chain letter. So at work I received an entire conversation of her and a friend were my niece was telling her she is "smoking a vikie." When asked where she got it, she replied "stole it from my brother." It clicked in my mind that my nephew just recently had his wisdom teeth out and was prescribed a generic Vicodin for pain. I've never heard of smoking a Vicodin, and can't seem to find a direct answer online.Id like to have much info before giving my brother a heart attack.

IPhone 5 not connecting to home Wi-Fi?

I got a brand new iPhone 5 on Friday and since then it has not been able to connect to my home Wi-Fi. There's not a problem with my phone because it can connect to other networks, just not this one, I have tried everything:
-Changing to WEP/WPA2
-Changing passcode
-Taking off passcode
-Setting up a static IP

Nothing. I enter the passcode correctly and it says 'Unable to connect to network' Any help on this would be greatly appreciated; it's driving me insane! TYIA.

Can I use my iphone as an iPod?

I'm planning on switching to Verizon from sprint because I want a regular phone and a different cell plan. Right now I have a iPhone 4S and I was wondering if I could use it as an iPod touch without changing anything on it, just removing the service?

Can I change the battery of a fake Iphone 4s? (Chinese Clone)?

I have recently bought an iPhone 4S Clone exactly the same with the iPhone 4S:

-Screen Size is almost the same.
-Battery is built in and you can only open the back panel using philips screw driver
-Uses the same cable and USB from iPhone
-The SIM is also located at the side panel (Not like those other clones that opens at the back) using the pin to eject the SIM
-Uses the same and almost exact User Interface (I think 89% cloned U. I.) Messaging, Options etc.
-Has pre-isntalled apps like Fruit Ninja (crappy LOL), Slide-to-Peek Girls (Chinese Perverts made this app LOL), Plant Corpse - Plants Vs Zombie (I've played this and I think this game/ app is the most decent one I've found)
-Java program called "JBLEND"
-Wi-Fi -yay!

overall - 88-90% clone accurate.

Now back to the question. If ever I wanted to change the battery of this iClone Phone, Can I buy after market parts? Or can I use the same battery pack used by iPhone 4s?