I'm Really BORED? Please reply and
I have reached a new level of boredom. I can go outside but my hoods a ghost town since my girlfriend moved. She moved just down the road but she's grounded for a month. Anyways lately I'm super bored. My car has no problems so nothing to fix or do on it (89 mustang) I'm 15. I'm type to be active. Saturday I watch tv from 8am to 3pm! I about went crazy! I have nothing to do! I hate video games an guitar can only be played so much. No one lives near me for miles besides girlfriend. Can't find a job. I'm really bored.Ps hate Internet also. My iPhones useless all I do is fb on it and fb is nothing but people whining about their life's. Please help seriously. Best answer I'll pick. Stupid replies are reported.