Is it possible to upload pictures from an iPhone directly to a USB stick?

I need to back up my iPhone photos, and I don't have enough iCloud storage to back them up on to there, and my computer memory is too full to handle all my photos (that's right).So I was wondering, is it possible to upload iPhone photos straight to a USB stick? (through the computer) If so, how? Thank you!

Added (1). Oh yeah I'll be using a Mac

How to remove water spots on my iPhone 5?

I recently dropped my iPhone 5 in a sink. I took it out and everything works properly except for these annoying water spots behind my screen. Is there anyway I can fix it without sending it in?

IPhone 4 Verizon Help VIDEO Screen freezes and glitches? Diagnosis?

Hi, heres a video showing what it does exactly
I bought it online, and i don't know what the issue is. It seems to work fine by the sounds of it, its just the screen flashes, and goes to black eventually. The back light is still lit though. The phone wass recently flashed to Page Plus, on the same day i got it.

Added (1).

How easy to edit video on mac?

Hi, I have to make a 3 minute video. I'm going to film it on my iphone. I have a mac as well. How do you edit it. Does the mac have software to make an edit the video. If so is it easy to do. I have just got the mac so don't know much about it.

What do I do if my iPhone gets water damaged?

I dropped my iPhone in a toilet and tried to turn it on a couple of times. I later read on the internet that you shouldn't do that so I put it in a bag of rice. I left it in for a couple of days and then tried to turn it on again. It didn't work so I kept it in a little bit longer. I tried it again after 3 days and nothing. I tried charging it and it still didn't work. What should I do! If I go to the apple store what are my options for a new phone?

What will happen if i plug my iphone into a different computer?

My computer is beyond repair and i want to download some songs that aren't available on itunes,
so i was going to use my sisters computer.but, she also has an iphone.
if i were to plug my phone into the computer's guest account, would it affect her music library?
like, would it be deleted?
i don't mind that mine would be wiped off, i can just re-download them,
but yeah.

My iphone won't charge or connect to itunes?

It charges normally but not when i plug it into the pc, and it tells me to connect to itunes, i already inserted a sim card, and it still says it isn' t connected to itunes. I already reinstalled itunes but it works just fine with my ipod.btw its an iphone

Added (1). I already did that, but i still need to reset it so i can access it. I got it from my sister who got the new iphone.

Can't reinstall Twitter on iPhone

I deleted Twitter from my iPhone 5 and I can't seem to reinstall it? Whenever I click to install it asks for my password and then it starts to install but the it just disappears after that. What's going on… I need help.

How much would an iPhone cost per month? - 2

I'm fifteen, and for the longest time I have been contemplating asking my mom an iPhone, but I always end up not asking her because it's so expensive! I wanted to get an idea of how much the iPhone would cost per month for AT&T. Right now I have an LG Xenon that has been available for upgrade for a while now. We currently have an unlimited family texting plan, 700 talking minutes, and my brother has a 3 GB data plan for his phone. About how much would it cost per month if I were to upgrade to an iPhone 4 or 4s with perhaps the second lowest data plan?