Can i update iPhone 4 to iOS 6 and still be unlocked?

I bought the iphone 4 with a 2 year contract from AT&T and now that my contract expired i asked att to unlock it for me and they did. My question is can i still have the unlock, to be able to use on tmobile, after i update it. I do have my iphone jailbroken but i did NOT unlock it through a hack or jailbreak i asked att to unlock it. My iphone is running a little slow due to how many cydia apps i have and i just want to start fresh. I don't really care about having it jailbroken anymore. I'm fine just as long as i can us it regulary on tmobile with MMS and Internet.

My iMessage on my iOS 4 (updated to 6) isn't do I fix it?

I was messaging and then it stopped working… I thought it was my Wi-Fi so I turned off and on the Wi-Fi, and still didn't work, so I restarted my iPod, signed in again for iMessage, and tried sending a message but it didn't work, and some contacts I have who do have iMessage on their iPhone/iPod it said they weren't connected to iMessage. Any help on how to fix this?

Apple iPhone 4S Wi-Fi problem?

I'm up in the mountains with no service but I have excellent Wi-Fi and I was able to text with it but not anymore. What went wrong and can I fix it? If so how?

What is the best iPhone 5 case for me?

So I'm definetley getting an iphone 5, so don't tell me how bad it is or something

i want to know what case is good for me.

I don't want to be the guy who has like 18 different cases. I only want to buy one case that's good for me.

I usually keep my phone in my pocket (unless i'm using it) and i usually keep it out around the house, but when i'm on the go, its always in my pocket.

I always have a dead phone with me because sometimes i forget to charge it, but i also think that my slack phone (Samsung) contributes to it too.

I want to have the type of case that will make somebody say "Wow, that's a really nice case."
and look nice, while keeping the sleekness and style of the phone. You know, something different

I also wanted to have no doubt in my mind that my case will protect my phone. I don't want it treat like a baby in hopes that my phone will break, but it's not like I'm going to slam it against the wall constantly. I also want to be sure that my screen won't crack, whether that means buying a screen protector or buying a case with one already built into it.

Some cases that i have my eye on are ones like the Grove cases and the one that charges your phone. I do like the otterbox's a lot, but I have heard lots of bad stuff about it (phone sliding around inside case, touch screen hard to operate)

It would be Really nice if you guys could give me some suggestions on an ideal iPhone 5 case for me.

How to avoid added charges on an iPhone PAYG?

I want to get an iPhone on payg but was wondering how to avoid Internet charges by location and by the phone automatically updating emails etc. Essentially unwanted to use it to make calls and texts, but only use up Internet when I want it to- so that I'm not paying for Internet every day.
How do I do this (I have an iPhone 4)

Do i have to be stuck with ios 6 iphone 4s with no jailbreak?

I was really happy with my ios 5.1.1 but i wanted to udate because ios 6 was looking better and anyway i like to do changes.
First i checkes if there's any jailbreak and isaw on youtube ios 6 jail iphone 4 3g and ipod 4g what i didint realize that the 4s is missing so i updated i saw no jailbreak for A5 devises on ios 6 a lot of time have passed and no jailbreak. Ios 6.0.1 got out and i updated with hope for A5 jailbreak.

why there's just for A4 and if someday there will be for A5 when?

And i tried to downgrade but i didint save the shsh blobs before i updated.

When there's gonna be a jailbreak for A5 IOS 6 jailbreak (6.0.1)

How to view someone elses iphone messages?

I want to be able to see my boyfriends text messages because i feel like he's cheating on me. He has an iphone 4, i have the 4s. I do know his apple email and password, so i'm able to access his icloud he doesn't know. I can se his contacts and where he is too. I was wondering how i can see his texts?

Which bank should I open up a account with?

I wanna open a account with another bank that actually has a app for my iPhone. I wanna be able to check my balance and transfer money if I need to. My bank now is so old school. And has some messed up system of online banking that's always down. Any suggestions. Or banks to stay away from because they suck lol

Is 16GB enough for an iPhone?

I have a 32GB iPod touch and a shitty android phone. I have about 9GB of music, which I could do without some of it, but I want to keep most of it, and about 2.5 GB of apps, which most of them I could survive without easily. 1 GB of photos, which I could do without, and 2GB of other, which I don't know what it is. I have no iMessages, or contacts. On my phone I have about 100 contacts, and don't delete my texts often. Will 16GB be enough room for an iPhone 4S? I read that iCloud saves some space, how much? And will it use any data?