Problem with facetime, imessage and my apple id?

Okay, I'm incredibly frustrated with Apple.

My facetime and imessage decided to stop working today on my Iphone 4s. It says they're both waiting for activation.

I reset all my settings, I got nothing.

i tried logging in with Apple ID, it tells me my password is incorrect. I changed my password, it says that's incorrect too.

I tried three different Apple ID accounts, it says all the passwords are incorrect.

It's not working, I have no clue what else to do. I'm incredibly frustrated with everything right now.

Does anyone know what to do?

Can you use a Sprint Iphone 5 on Verizon's network?

I live in sacramento and have limited connection with my iphone 5 only getting 3G on sprint. I want to know if its possible to use Verizon's network on my iphone. If not can I end my contract because I only get 3G half the time in sacramento.

My penis is a little bit bigger then a iphone is that good or bad?

I'm 13-14 years of age and if you are wondering why I'm comparing my penis to my phone it's because i no it's hard to measure so I compared my phone to my average erection and it was just a little bigger (the phone stops a little bit under the shaft) I'm worried that I'm to small for my age

How to remove my phone number from my old deactivated iphone?

I just upgraded to the new iphone and completely restored my old iphone 4 so my sister could use it as an acting itouch but when you go to the imessage settings my number is still there.
how do i remove my number from it so that it's just her email?

Why won't it let me send iMessages?

Ok so I updated to iOS 6.0.1 and the person I'm tryin to iMessage is on IOS 6.0.1 on iPhone 4S I'm on iPhone 4S to it won't let me send a iMessage and there down as an iPhone as well please help!

I dropped my iphone and now it keeps turning off?

I dropped my iphone from not even 3 feet and the back shattered and it turned off. I kept trying to turn it on and it didn't.eventually it did and now it keeps turning off and back on. What do i do.

Does the mirror show you what you really look like?

Well, Please note. I'm a very insecure teenage girl.
Well, I've lost like ALOTT of weight over the past year, and Last night This girl who has an iphone wanted me to take a picture with her so I did, She sent it to me so I could upload today. And my face looked really fat, and My neck did to. And my nosed looked huge.
I take alot of pictures at school in the mirrors with my phone and I don't look fat in those pictures, I mean people tell me I'm pretty all the time.
But which one is more accurate in how people see me? The mirror, or the camera/Iphone. :/