How to Make Awesome Music Videos on iPhone 4?

How can I make trailers, or edit videos to have different effects? Awesome effects, maybe slow mo, fast mo, transitions and all that? I want to get into stuff like that.

Name some apps and what they can do please. The ones you love and what you use them for.

Can I recover corrupt iTunes backup?

I backed up my iphone 4s successfully, and I believe the software version was 6.0.0.
The menu button has been knackered for a wee while, and when I took it into the apple store, they thought it easier to just give me a new phone. It's still an iPhone 4s, but it's on software 6.0.1. And the itunes backup is apparently corrupt.
Is there any way of bringing my phone back to its previous software, as I think that is the problem.
Or, is there any way I can view the files and remove the corrupt ones?

Why doesn't Cydia work on my iPhone anymore?

My friend jail broke my phone and cydia and all the downloaded patches/apps were working fine until I had to turn my phone off. I turned it back on and now nothing I downloaded from cydia works anymore. Should I re install it or what?

O2 age restriction - Customer Protection Block?

I'm 17 and just got a block on iPhone for visiting "over 18 restricted" sites… They say you either have to ring an automated number to prove your age or take some money out of your back and they'll give it back but that's not an option really.

So how exactly do you prove I'm overage on this number? Obviouksy I aren't but surely they can't prove it? My iPhone is on pay as you go so there's no contract in anyone's name but I'm pretty sure my O2 account is in my name but I don't know if they've got my birthday/age on file: S

IPhone 4 only turns on when plugged in?

I have an iPhone 4 and it only turns on when plugged in. I dropped it one day and it wouldn't turn back on. I know for sure it's not stuck in DFU mode. When I plug it into my wall charger it will turn on and it will take me to an iOS 6 setup saying slide to setup. I do so and it just says connect to iTunes. I attempt to connect to iTunes and it just flashes on and off. The Apple logo will come and than it will turn off. I called FastFix in the mall and they told me it was probably the battery, But, I'm not paying $50 dollars to have it checked out. That's just the biggest rip off. I'll only pay for a repair. I need an answer. I miss my phone and I want it back. Please only answer if you know what you're talking about. It's not the charger, it's not the port. I just want to know for sure if it's the battery. Thanks.

Added (1). It dies as soon as I unplug it.

How to make imessage work on iphone 4?

It is not under any carrier and worked until today. I have been imessaging someone from the us ( i'm in canada) and all of a sudden my iphone 4 will no longer work as imessaging. It is green and not blue. Any ideas?

My imessage for my iphone 4s isint working?

I've reset it twice and i've tried to log in to my apple itunes account and it keeps telling me i have the wrong password so i changed it and its still saying i have the wrong password (yes i know i put the right one in)
i want it to connect to my phone number but it won't. It keeps saying "waiting for activation"
what do i do?

How to update my jail broken iPhone 4s?

If it won't show up in itunes and the update from the phone won't work. I want to update it to unjailbreak the phone but every time it starts preparing the update on the phone it has an error.

What's So Good About The New Lightning Connector? - 2

Apple recently upgraded the Pin Connector on the iPhone 5 and the iPad 4 to the new Lightning Connector rather then the old 30-Pin Connector.So, I was just wondering why did Apple take the time to change it? Like does the Lightning Connector make it charge faster, or what?