If you were to get an iPhone 5 what color would you get?

So for christmas my moms getting me a iPhone 5 from nTelos if you were getting a iPhone what color would you choose? I'm a 13 year old boy and i really like the black one but I already have a black iPod touch and I kind of wanted to change it up a bit but the black one still looks cool so what color would you get?

Nokia Lumia 920 In Red Too Feminine for a guy?

I've been looking at the Luima 920 WP8 for a while now.
And I really like it in red. Yellow I'd too flashy, and fu(#! Ng
Everyone in my school has a white or black iPhone and android.
I want to stand out From the crowd.

Is red too feminine for a 16year old guy?

And No I'm NOT GAY.

Why won't the sound on my iphone 4 work?

When i manually use the buttons to turn it up is says ringer like always but the sound part doesn't show up? And on my ipod the place to turn it up is just black.why? And how do i fix it?

Process of unlocking an iPhone?

So we went to unlock our iPhone 4S for $20, and they told me to bring the phone back when they call so they can activate it and stuff. I just tried putting in my sim and somehow it works. Did the unlock happen wirelessly? Like is that even possible? Or was my phone already unlocked in the first place

(I tried putting in the sim a couple days ago and it didn't work)

How to text with a jailbroken iphone that has no service only Wi-Fi?

Okay i'm really stressed going through alot and i need an answer that is simple enough for me who is not a hacker or tech geek at all. I have an iphone 3gs that is outdated but runs the ios 6.0.1 that doesn't have service because at&t shut it off and apple blocked me from the app store because of billing issues that i messed up well long story short i jailbroke it and everything is fine on it but i need to find a way without using the apple app store to get an application that will allow me to text while in Wi-Fi only without service on my phone. Please provide your answers and help me solve this delema for my phone and a laptop with a cracked screen i can barely use are my only forms of communication with anyone including the lovely woman carrying my unborn child.

Volume not working properly?

So earlier today I was watching a video on my iPhone 4 and the phone fell and water spilled on it. I picked my phone up, quickly trying to get the water off of it. The video was still playing on my phone but the volume wasn't working. My volume wasn't working at all. So I tried turning my volume up, but it said headphone volume instea of speaker. So I put my headphones in and the volume was working fine. But I still decided to put it in rice (I only left it in the bag for 5 hours.) after I took it out my volume still wasn't working, not even in a call. So I decided to put my headphones in and the volume still wasn't working right. The only things that work is my ringtone and when I'm in a call and it's on speaker. Does anyone know how I can fix my phone?

Is there any way I can use an AT&T iPhone 4 on the Verizon network?

My friend just got the new iPhone 5 and my old phone broke so he gave me his old iPhone 4. The problem is he has the iPhone 4 from AT&T and my plan is with Verizon. I've heard its possible to unlock the phone free by calling AT&T since his 2 year contract is up with that phone, so that it can be used by any carrier. However I know AT&T uses sim cards and Verizon doesn't.

Is there ANY way I can use this phone with Verizon? I have no other options for a new phone.