Why does only one speaker on my iPhone 4 work?

My boyfriend has the same phone as me only he has not had it as long as me. When we play music on his phone both speakers work. But on mine the left one doesn't work. I have never damaged my phone. Always had a protective case on it. I'm very easy on it. What's wrong with mine? Could it have been messed up from the start? Or is there a thing I can change the setting. I checked the music In the settings and the speaker thing is in the middle.

Will a US iphone 4 be able to work in the uk?

So my uncle who lives in the usa has agreed to give me his iphone 4 coz of his upgrade to the 5. The problem is that its locked to te a&t network. If he gets it unlocked do you think taht i can use it in the uk? With a uk network? With a uk simcard? He says it Supports gsm 850, 900, 1800 & 1900

Making retina display graphics?

I'm making an app for the iPhone, code wise I'm doing well but graphic wise I'm having some trouble. I can't seem to get my graphics to be crisp and clean like all the other graphics on retina display. How do I make my graphics look good on the iPhones (I'm targeting the 4/4S) screen. I'm using GIMP to make my graphics, can I just increase the resolution in GIMP and will that make them retina worthy? Do I have to completely redo an image to make it retina, or can I just increase the resolution on the original image? I'm really new to resolution/pixels in general, so I really don't know what I'm dealing with.

My iPhone 3GS will not find any Wi-Fi networks?

Recently my iPhone stopped finding any Wi-Fi networks. I was not dropped or exposed to water it just stopped. I have tried reseting the network settings on the phone, i have tried a factory reset, i have reset it through iTunes, i have updated the software (it didn't work before and after). I have amended the settings on my router and reset both the router and the phone at the same time. I have tried using aeroplane mode with Wi-Fi on and i have tried to connect it to multiple Wi-Fi networks. Once it did connect to my uncles network when i entered the SSID name manually with the password. It stayed connected for one minute and then it disconnected.

Any help will be appreciated as i need this phone for both work and my personal life and Wi-Fi is the nay thing stopping me from receiving a huge data bill.

My iphone won't send/receive pictures?

I have an iPhone 3, and I've always been able to send pictures to others, but now it won't let me. I can send pictures on an iMessage, but not other than that. People have been sending pictures, and I never receive them. And I take pictures on my iPod since it has the camera on the front and my phone doesn't, so I send them to myself and I havnt been able to receive any of them in about a month and a half.

Spilled small amount of water on iphone 4, speaker isn't working

Today I spilled an extremely tiny amount of water on my iphone 4. The next time I tried to make a call, the speaker didn't work and it said that the headphones were plugged in when they were not. I lied to my dad and I said I left it on counter while I took a shower so the moisture did it, but he is still very mad at me because I've only had the phone for 2 weeks and this is like the 8th phone I have broken in the last 2 years. Is there anything I should do that could help me? I tried turning it on/off and switching the volume but that does not work at all. I don't have time to put it in rice for 4 days because I'm going on a cruise in 2 days. I tried a hairdryer but it isn't working. Please help!

Added (1). Looks like I'm going to have to go buy some rice.

Added (2). Omfg thank you lord jesus