I can't download Facebook on to my iphone?
It shows i have to download iOs
It shows i have to download iOs
I have an iPhone 4S I just bought this weekend, Whenever I get a text, it shows the entire thing, and I would like it to just say text message and not give the message preview. Can anyone help?
I have an HTC Rezound so I have 4GLTE on my sim card. If I buy a new iphone, can I just put this sim card into my iPhone5? Will it mess up the phone? Will there be a fee? Will verizon know? Will it even work?
I have an iPhone 4S with iOS 6 and recently synced music onto it, but accidentally unplugged the cord without it finishing. The result is completely messed up album art--not on the computer, just the iPhone. I would restore the whole phone (it's bugging me that much) but I don't want to lose progress in some of my games. Can I restore without this happening?
For some reason my iTunes account is not working on my ipad or iPhone, I've reset the password twice and still not working, any suggestions please?
My family had recently switched to mobile share plan for AT&T and we now have all iPhone 4S. Our plan is the 10GB one for cellular data and unlimited talk/text. How do I check the total data used for all the lines and also the amount of data used just from my phone?
I'm just curious. If i was able to buy one i would get the latest and greatest!
Are they buying it because its cheaper? Because other than that there's nothing better about the 4s than the 5…
I have a 16 gig iPhone 4S and I do not have any apps, music or movies. I have 370 pictures and 70 videos and my iPhone says I only have 1gig of storage left. I can't update my iPhone and right about now it's making me a tad angry. There's no way I have 15 gig used through a few pictures and videos. What's should I do to get my storage back?
I currently have an iphone 3gs and a samsung captivate. They are both from AT&T. I currently only us the iphone 3gs.
If i switch sim cards will it mess with the way our bill is set up?
Can i switch sim cards between these phones?
Will i lose my messages if i switch between these phones?
Should i switch to my samsung instead of the iphone 3gs?
I have to restore my iPhone and don't want to put my contacts back in.