Would siriport iOS 6 work on iPhone 4 (6.0.1) GSM?

My friend is trying to install siri on his jailbroken iPhone 4. We've installed siriport original iOS 6, and it shows up in the settings, but holding the home button only pops up voice control. Even after a tethered reboot, it still doesn't launch siri. What can I do?

Internet on my iphone keeps disconnecting?

Okay so i have the iphone 3g (yes, i know it's old, please don't remind me) and everytime i use it i clearly have internet. The only problem is after about a minute my internet shuts down, this happens every single time. I can't use the phone more than a minute without my internet shutting down, most times it just says "no service" on the top… Which is crazy… Any help will be appreciated.

Problems with downloading iOS6?

I have an iPhone 4 and it gave me the option to download updated software so I did. And I've always had my email as my apple ID. And I went to download the YouTube app again and my moms apple ID email pops up for me to put the password in to download the app. And in my settings, it's set as my email. Anything reason why? Or how I can fix it?

Why are some video websites (anime sites) So SLOW?

I've been trying to watch anime on this website http://www.animeratio.com/ for hours now.yesterday it was working perfectly fine but today its lagging like crazy. Not the actual website but the videos. The videos buffer like every 5 seconds while yesterday they didn't at all. Also yesterday if I left the video paused for a minute or 2 they would finish loading all the way to the end but today they don't and take ages and still end up buffering and lagging. Browsing around the site is fast and quick though. I thought maybe its just my internet or computer but its not. I emptied my cache and web history and all but still nothing. I use Google Chrome and even tried Internet Explorer but no difference. I checked out YouTube to see how its doing but YouTube is fine, videos load really fast and don't buffer or lag. I even tried some other anime sites but they all have the same problem. Then I realized its all the anime sites for some reason that are lagging with the videos. I found out that most of the anime/cartoon sites use JW Player for the videos and maybe that's it. But how can I fix it? Every other sites work fine that aren't anime or cartoon sites. Here are some sites that all have the same problem: http://www.watchcartoononline.com/
A lot of other sites I haven't listed also have the problem but yesterday were fine. I've tried using a different computer or on iphones and ipads but no luck. It all went wrong today. Please help…

Added (1). Ok so far all I've gotten is someone telling me to use hulu which I can't because its only in America and someone telling me that animefreak.com is amazing and I've already listed it up there as its not working for me. Please give helpful answers or don't answer at all.

Unlocking iPhone 4s with ATT?

I bought an iPhone 4s off of ebay and it was supposedly unlocked. It came with the gevey sim, but it wasn't working with my tmobile sim card. I brought it in to apple, and they basically said to contact ATT to see if they would unlock it for me. Will I be eligible since I wasn't a former ATT customer and that i bought it off of ebay? The apple worker also told me that since it was still under applecare, they can swap it out for a new refurbished iPhone. Can they do that too, like just swap it out for no reason?

How to find out who un-followed me on Instagram?

I want to find out who unfollowed me on instagram. How could I find out? It could be a website or an app or any other way you may know as long as it's safe.oh and by the way if it's and app i have an android not an iphone.

Trade iPhone 4S for galaxy s3?

I have the opportunity to trade straight across for a galaxy s3 pebble blue with otter box for my iPhone 4S 64gb. Good idea? I have always had iPhones and have quite a bit invested in the app store, as well as a Mac.

Keep 4s for now or get the s3? Or get an iPhone 5?

Virus on iPhone 4s? Pop ups?

I know that it's basically impossible to get a virus, but everytime I open the Internet on y iPhone it redirects me to a page saying "claim the new iPhone 5 today, you are the 10000th viewer". I tried clearing my history, cookies, and data and it stil did it. How do I make it stop?